ROME major upgrade expected


ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) started.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.

The command that you will have to run in console is:
sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync

Comments and feedback:
Open new topic, with a descriptive title, in Support category.


Should anyone encounter any problem, console displaying any weird message or such please

  • hold on trying to upgrade

  • disable any additional repository and keep only main repo

  • type in console commands:

sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist
sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync 2>&1| tee dsync-log.txt

and post that log in your forum post.



Process finished.
Users that want to upgrade ROME are safe to do it now.


Upgraded successfully ROME systems:

VBox VMs x86_64 and znver1

Desktop cpu=AMD Ryzen5 3600 graphics=AMD Oland PRO Radeon R7 240
ASUS notebook X550CA cpu=Intel i5-3337U graphics=Intel HD 4000
ASUS notebook K53E cpu=Intel i5-2450M graphics=HD 3000

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ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) started.
It will not take long time as there are not many changes since latest one, however we suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

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Process finished.

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ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) is going to start.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.

The command that you will have to run in console is:
sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync


Process finished.


:warning: :warning: :warning: Remind:

On an existing system keep the current version of all these:

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ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) is going to start.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.
Stay tuned.



Process finished.

Upgrade command to run in console:
sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync

Under some circumstances, in case console will complain about conflicts mentioning kf6 and/or plasma6, please do:

sudo dnf clean all;dnf clean all;dnf repolist
sudo dnf --allowerasing -x *5.240* distro-sync

Kind remind:

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ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) is going to start.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.
Stay tuned.

A post was split to a new topic: OK to upgrade ROME again (read this or else)


Process finished.

Upgrade command (cautious, extended) to run in console:
sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist
sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync 2>&1| tee dsync-log.txt

Disable any additional repository and keep only main repo;
Run upgrade command; backup your dsync-log.txt to avoid overwriting;
Enable any additional repository and run upgrade command again.

See also:
- ROME major upgrade expected - #10 by rugyada
- ROME major upgrade expected - #12 by rugyada
- Related topic


ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) is going to start.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.
Stay tuned.


ROME users attention please:
Process finished.

Upgrade command (cautious, extended) to run in console:
sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist
sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync 2>&1| tee dsync-log.txt

Disable any additional repository and keep only main repo;
Run upgrade command; backup your dsync-log.txt to avoid overwriting;
Enable any additional repository and run upgrade command again.

See also:
- ROME major upgrade expected - #10 by rugyada
- ROME major upgrade expected - #12 by rugyada
- Related topic


ROME users attention please:

Process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) done.

See also:
- Major upgrade for ROME November 2
- Aggiornamenti di novembre


ROME users attention please:

Process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) done.

BIG fat warning remind:


At the time of writing system upgrade will install new distro-release-* packages.
Enjoy the new theme :wink:

:warning: For some reason it will overwrite /etc/dnf/dnf.conf so if you have anything added there you will need to add it again, or just backup the file before distro-sync and restore it later.


ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) will begin soon.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.

The command that you will have to run in console is:
sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync

As always when using --allowerasing pay attention to what packages are removed and write down the names of any you may wish to install again. Ususally there won’t be any as what should be removed are packages that were renamed and so forth.

Comments and feedback:
Open new topic, with a descriptive title, in Support category.


:warning: - Note: If you see any dialog about any configuration file changing please read the message.

Usually the default choice is the safe choice.
The files /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/gshadow >>> always keep the existing file of those.
If you select to use the new file you will get an empty file and lose your users, groups, and passwords.