What is an upgrade or system upgrade?

Poke @ben79 how do you do ?
Thank you very much for all your post about “upgrading your system”. Last year I started to write a post about the channels but I gave up. There are some misunderstandings about the long term release and rolling release I guess.

I don’t know for sure on how it is suppose to work, from what I understand switching or modifying a channel is system update.
If the direction of the move is in the way to ROCK - from the left to the right on the picture below -then it’s an upgrade at least to my eyes, I might be wrong
If the direction of the move is in the way to COOKER - from the right to the left on the picture below - then to my mind this is a downgrade.

Downgrade doesn’t mean you get worse stuff, upgrade doesn’t mean you get better stuff, it’s about what you select. Like picking up stability or disruptive mindset.

This is one of the point of my question

Because even experimented users pretend to know as they actually don’t know or express themself with the wrong words :hot_face: I might be totally wrong and would be glad to rectify my grammar :pray: :bowing_man:

There are lots of information on the chat / forum, I’m sure it’s gonna be a bonus to set additional information on the page “Picking a release” :

Educating users or at least try to explain in a few words, a video, a quiz or any manner, a way to help people when choosing the channel, especially for beginners. It’s kind of public health, what the deal with linux, privacy, computers, etc…

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I hope this is an explanation and not added confusion:

The terms upgrade and system or distro upgrade or distro-sync or dsync are used as the main package manager dnf uses them. With dnf a numerically greater version of a package is an upgrade or up and a numerically lesser or smaller version of a package is a downgrade.

This: OpenMandriva Release Plan and Repositories is an attempt to explain the various releases and how they relate to repositories.

Release=point releases (as in a point in time) of OMLx such as 4.2, 4.3, 5.0 — user would use the numerical repository for their chosen version. Point releases are EOL (End Of Life) 3 months after latest point release. This does not mean no support it does mean no new packages.

Rock=latest point release version currently 5.0 — Rock normally only gets security and bug fix updates. User would use the repositories called Rock.

ROME=rolling release version — ROME gets periodic upgrades from Cooker as developers believe the packages are ready and stable. User would use the repositories called Rolling.

Cooker=OpenMandriva development platform. — Cooker will have the most recent package versions. Sometimes the work developers do results in things in Cooker being broken. So anyone using Cooker needs to be aware of this and how to deal with this. User would use the repositories called Cooker.

Note: ROME and Rolling are the same. ROME uses rolling repositories.

The work flow in OMLx is:

Cooker>ROME>Rock/latest point release.

So a system upgrade refers basically to system packages. Release and Rock versions have system packages locked and normally they do not change. ROME/rolling does have upgrades to system packages when developers believe it safe to do so. Cooker will have the most recent system packages and sometimes there are things not working quite right or even broken as developers work on these issues.

So one would upgrade thus:

Older point releases should upgrade one step at the time until you get to the latest. Currently that is Rock/5.0

Rock/4.3 to Rock/5.0
Rock/5.0 to ROME
ROME to Cooker

It strongly with prejudice recommended that users do not skip steps in system upgrades doing this one step at the time.

Downgrading is not recommended at all.

Another explanation:

Current OMLx release versions are:


You can see that 24.01 is greater than 5.0 and 24.90 is greater than 24.01. This is not an accident. Hence up or upgrade.

Personal opinion:

  1. The idea that the most stable release version of any Linux distro is the one with the oldest packages is at best an oversimplification and may be false. Things like kernel upgrades and any packages with security upgrades almost always make the system better and more stable.

  2. In my own use and based on user reports we in the contributor group see no evidence that ROME would be less stable than Rock. ROME would be more secure because of the upgrades.

  3. Cooker would obviously be unstable because it is by design meant to be a place where things can be broken while developers do the work they do. But often Cooker is the best of OpenMandriva because of the newer software. For non-technical users using Cooker would probably be a headache.

  4. When considering stability people often seem to miss the security aspects of latest packages. The impact can be considerable. This is why I strongly consider ROME to be a better option for “regular” users of OMLx.

  5. Rock IMO is suited for business or server use and for folks that do not like a lot of change.

  6. As a QA person and OMLx tester I do have partitions on my laptop of Cooker, ROME, and Rock (all znver1). I regularly use all of them. I also normally have each of these in VirtualBox as x86_64 for testing things.


From left to right, this is the workflow ^^^

About upgrade/downgrade is quite the opposite.

Rock/Release (that’s the same, more on this later [1]) channel upgrade > ROME/rolling channel upgrade > Cooker.

Rock 4.3 > Rock 5.0 is a release upgrade (same channel, upgrade to new fixed release)


Rock repositories consist of a symbolic link to the latest stable version of OpenMandriva Lx. Currently Rock is linked to OMLx 5.0, however when a new OMLx point release will be out Rock will automatically be switched to it.

(5.0 at time of writing)

Channel downgrade is not recommended as it’s looking for troubles.
The only time you can downgrade if you want so, and just for a very short time, is when we copy cooker repos to rolling or when we copy rolling repos to release.

System upgrade/update

How to update channel

To add to the discussion the reason I write articles about upgrading from something like Rock/4.3 to Rock/5.0 is because sometimes the upgrade is not as simple and straight forward and extra steps are needed. The article Upgrading Rock/4.3 to Rock/5.0 is a good example of an instance where extra steps are needed. These extra steps are essential to avoid problems. There is also an article in Resources forum regarding Upgrading from Rock/5.0 to ROME/rolling (2024-01-20). That one is more straight forward and simple at this time.

Thank you all for your time and the explanation. I started to work a bit on the French related pages on the wiki. It’s gonna take me some time but it’s worth it. I guess there is no confusion at all, it’s just I didn’t get it right.

If there is a way to make it simpler, for now I don’t know but it’s a start :heart_hands:

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