Updated Plasma and KDE Framework packages for OM Lx 3

It has been said that Qt 5.8 is in cooker and should work pretty fine.

Yes, but meanwhile we may have KDE/Plasma packages that we should wait to install until we get QT 5.8 or 5.7.

I think that you are right :slight_smile:

OMLx 3.02 development release build 834.
18 Feb 2017 - Fully updated, repo /testing enabled.


20 Feb 2017 - build 834 fully updated, repo /testing enabled.


OMLx 3.02 development release build 891.
08 March 2017


I only tested live mode in vbox and Calamares didnā€™t start. :frowning:

Havenā€™t tried in VBox yet but I have installed on 2 computers (hardware). Seems working well here.

So here now! I tried to start from terminal because I need to see its output but I types the wrong command. The working one is pkexec /usr/bin/calamares.

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OMLx 3.02 development release build 927.
26 March 2017


But just try updating packages from main-testing repoā€¦ :smirk:

The # 927 .iso works OK for me as does installed system as long as I donā€™t enable main-testing repo. #913 worked well also here. My installs are on hardware (usually) on 2 different computers.

I have noticed recently far fewer (almost none) segfaults, screen flashes, crashes, ect. Anyone else noticed this (hopefully) improvement. Seems Iā€™ve noticed this since Qt 5.8.0. :alien:

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OK, If I put these:


in ā€˜/etc/urpmi/skip.listā€™ everything else in main-testing installed.

Imho as regular users should NOT have repo /testing enabled then thatā€™s OK. In view of official release, with standard repositories enabled, I think we should test this kind of configuration.
Please correct me if Iā€™m wrong :slight_smile:

You are correct we should test install and configure with standard repos. And Iā€™ll try to confine any other conversation about testing repos to ā€˜Development Testingā€™ form category.

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927 doesnā€™t work for me. I have to download intel driver and modify xorg.conf by hand (Short version of what I did ) for to have OM Lx working.

A normal user is unable to do this

OMLx 3.02 development release build 993.
30 April 2017


Build 993 in vbox in live mode calamares aborts with the following error

QxcbConnection: could not connect to display

Iā€™m the only one?

There is an i586 ISO # 994 also.

I have been ā€œtoldā€ by calamares about no network :smile: Rarely, some times it complains about not enough memory, or space, or suchā€¦
Reboot always solved. Donā€™t know if this is your case :slight_smile:

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Perhaps yes. It installed here in VBox with no issues.

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