In cooker:
KDE Frameworks 5.23.0
Seems all is working here.
Looks like we finally reached island of stability
Can be updated from build 760 or I must download the full ISO again?
You don’t have to reibstall your system each time - just run # urpmi --auto-update to get the latest release.
Is it from your direct experience?
For example, I just tested the build 775 and the configured repositories are those for LX3 (not cooker) therefore @Zeffanyx is right (in theory…)
I delayed the comment, mostly waiting for a reply from devs. Which surely would be the most appropriate and enlightening.
@Sirius was referring to 760 as base.
What should be taken into account is that afaik these development ISOs are picking up packages also from repo /testing.
In my opinion this means that there may be some conflicts/inconsistency while updating the installed system by urpmi --auto-update
Guess it may depend on what currently (= at the time of update) has already reached official repositories from repo /testing.
Is it from your direct experience?
Surely it is. I never had my system reinstalled ever since I installed OM 2013.0. When a new major version arrived, I manually changed main and contrib repositories to match the new release and then did # urpmi --auto-update --no-download in command line.
OMLx 3.02 development release build 785 - 18 Jan 2017
I’ll try to update from 760. I guess it’s enough to activate the testing repo, but it seems risky to me to do that.
I’ve just update Plasma to 5.9.0 version.
More details on this release can be found here
On my system If I install Plasma 5.9 then task manager is borked:
Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/main.qml:338:5: Type ToolTipDelegate unavailable
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/ToolTipDelegate.qml:23:1: module “QtQuick” version 2.7 is not installed
Late edit: Probably because of this “Unfortunately it looks like it needs Qt 5.7 or newer version, and 3.0 tree does have only 5.6.2 version.”.