How to upgrade kernel 6.4.11

Mandrive rome RR
I all the time have kernel 6.4.11 - upgrading kernel from repo all the time fails. output cant unpack rpm kernel file

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

What command are you using to upgrade the kernel? Or what package name? That is probably the problem.

sudo dnf in kernel-desktop --refresh

Should install the latest kernel. Edit: Latest kernel in ROME is kernel-desktop-6.9.9-1.

User information: We also make kernel-rc versions available for users. rc=release candidate for next main line Linux kernel. Usually they work really well, and if they don’t you would still have whatever other kernel-desktop versions anyway.

The command to install the desktop version:

sudo dnf in kernel-rc-desktop --refresh

Current version is kernel-rc-desktop-6.10.0-0.rc7.1. should be releasing the mainline kernel 6.10.0 in a few days.

nvidia-legacy installed may block the kernel update. Is this your case?

Hi i used dnf upgrade. I did know i should use different command

sudo dnf clean all;dnf clean all;dnf repolist
sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync

Do you have nvidia driver installed?

No i use intel integrated gpu ,( skylake)

By the way. I have installed om rome a few month ago. I never look at forum. I upgraded system just running dnf upgrade like fedora distro. Now i can see you use specific commands to upgrade system. I did dnf upgrade just yesterday. Which way should i use to do major upgrade especialy to plasma6.,? According to info from may ? From june? Install system from frash iso,? What is rome rc2024-07?
Best regards

Also to exclude some user case may help.
So we won’t investigate about not-installed nvidia driver.

There is this post about upgrading to Plama 6. Edit: Another earlier post about this.

It is better, always, to do a fresh install from a Plasma 6 ISO.

At some point OM developers will drop Plasma 5 packages and ROME users will automatically be upgraded to Plasma 6.

The best way to update the system is the above commands from console.

Just in case there are specific instructions to follow, limited to a specific time-frame update, we write them here:
Additional links, if any need for further explanation, are and will be provided in the same thread.
Hence you may want to have a look there before major upgrades.

No, you don’t want to switch Plasma5 to Plasma6 at this moment :wink:
Even if someway doable it’s like looking for troubles.
For sure better to do a fresh install with Plasma6 environment. Final release will be published in a few days.

sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync
google-chrome 17 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
google-chrome-beta 19 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
google-earth-pro 33 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64 7.0 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Unsupported - x86_64 4.9 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - x86_64 6.5 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Non-free - x86_64 4.2 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
================================================================= ============================================================
Package Architecture Version Repository Size.
================================================================= ============================================================
kernel-desktop x86_64 6.9.9-1 rolling-x86_64 120 M

Transaction summary
================================================================= ============================================================
Installation 1 package

Total Size: 120M
Size after installed: 130M
All right? [y/N]: t
Downloading packages:
[SKIPPED] kernel-desktop-6.9.9-1-omv2490.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded
Performing transaction checking
Transaction validation completed successfully.
Performing a transaction test
Transaction test completed successfully.
Execution of transactions
Preparation: 1/1
Installing: kernel-desktop-6.9.9-1.x86_64 1/1
Error unpacking rpm package kernel-desktop-6.9.9-1.x86_64


Error: The transaction failed

sudo dnf in kernel-desktop --refresh
google-chrome 17 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
google-chrome-beta 16 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
google-earth-pro 29 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64 5.3 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Unsupported - x86_64 4.5 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - x86_64 5.6 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Non-free - x86_64 7.1 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
The kernel-desktop-6.4.11-1.x86_64 package is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
There is nothing to do.

So I still cant upgrade kernel

Please post outputs of:

rpm -qa | grep kernel

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/openmandriva-rolling-x86_64.repo

Then do this:

ls /var/cache/dnf

Where you will see the cache of the various enabled repos listed something like:

ls /var/cache/dnf
brave-d55d330619c02b48  google-chrome-6ed7e4f336f6863c  packages.db                                 rolling-znver1-restricted.solv               rolling-znver1-unsupported.solv
brave.solv              google-chrome-eb0d6f10ccbdafba  rolling-znver1-a1a6dcd30d9cf805             rolling-znver1.solv                          tempfiles.json
expired_repos.json      google-chrome.solv              rolling-znver1-restricted-61f733f7cd85df5b  rolling-znver1-unsupported-349a04d8f5e97368

You want to find the cache for the main repository for rolling. For me it is rolling-znver1-a1a6dcd30d9cf805 for you it will be something like rolling-x86_64-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


ls -lh rolling-x86_64-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/packages


ls -lh rolling-x86_64-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/repodata

So let’s start with the output of those 4 commands and see if we can figure this out.

Note: Please post code as code with the </> icon in the box where you write your post. If files are larger than 20-30 lines put them in a .txt file and post that here.

Edit: If we need to get OM devs involved we will. This is definitely not a problem I have seen before.

That is the problem, the cause would be what is causing that .rpm to not unpack. This is speculation but one of the first things I would suspect is a corrupted .rpm download or an .rpm that does not match the metadata of the main/release repository or that does not match what is in the distro-release-repos-pkgprefs-24.07-1.noarch package. So one more command to post the output of please:

rpm -qa | grep distro-release

For investigation purpose disable all the additional repositories and keep only Main

Then clean dnf cache
sudo dnf clean all;dnf clean all;dnf repolist

and try again please
sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync

  1. rpm -qa | grep kernel kernel-desktop-6.4.11-1.x86_64 lib64absl_kernel_timeout_internal-20240116.2-1.x86_64 kernel-firmware-extra-20240610-1.noarch kernel-firmware-20240610-1.noarch /etc/yum.repos.d/openmandriva-rolling-x86_64.repo

name="OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64"
# Alternative if is down
# mirrorlist=
# fastestmirror=1
enabled=1 /var/cache/dnf cooker-x86_64-11ee7d2735946121 packages.db expired_repos.json rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a google-chrome-6ed7e4f336f6863c rolling-x86_64-non-free-3230cd90fd98b833 google-chrome-beta-6ed7e4f336f6863c rolling-x86_64-non-free.solv google-chrome-beta.solv rolling-x86_64-restricted-a084eee7e19fad7f google-chrome-eb0d6f10ccbdafba rolling-x86_64-restricted.solv google-chrome.solv rolling-x86_64.solv google-earth-pro-17f28a61f303b7a2 rolling-x86_64-unsupported-b1ae60d15d117eff google-earth-pro.solv rolling-x86_64-unsupported.solv last_makecache tempfiles.json -lh rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/packages ls: cannot access 'rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/packages': No such file or directory -lh rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/repodata ls: cannot access 'rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/repodata': No such file or directory
6 rpm -qa | grep distro-release

Ah, my instructions failed to include the full path. Should have been:


ls -lh /var/cache/dnf/rolling-x86_64-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/packages


ls -lh /var/cache/dnf/rolling-x86_64-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/repodata

ls -lh /var/cache/dnf/rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/packages
razem 0
[root@corei5 radek]# ls -lh /var/cache/dnf/rolling-x86_64-be271eac6fa7887a/repodata
razem 5,2M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5,2M lip 15 19:44 0942f7d4420f08c63f42182af24386c5f9a1bcd109437b1bb5dc19b990ec0350-primary.xml.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2,4K lip 15 19:44 repomd.xml

And so I’m going to install Rome Plasma 6 as soon as the ISO is stable… so maybe there’s no point in solving the problem

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but is strange why only kernel i cant upgrade