ROME users attention please:
Process finished.
It should be safe to distro-sync ROME system again.
It’s expected another ROME upgrade soon, mostly to fix the remaining issues or fine-tuning so please watch this topic.
ROME users attention please:
Process finished.
It should be safe to distro-sync ROME system again.
It’s expected another ROME upgrade soon, mostly to fix the remaining issues or fine-tuning so please watch this topic.
ROME users attention please:
The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) started.
We suggest to not update the system or install software until it’s finished.
We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.
Stay tuned.
Internal testing is going on.
Please do:
sudo dnf remove hfsutils
first of all before to start distro-sync at due time.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
hfsutils x86_64 3.2.6-41 @rolling-x86_64 271 k
Transaction Summary
Remove 1 Package
Freed space: 271 k
Is this ok [y/N]: Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Erasing : hfsutils-3.2.6-41.x86_64 1/1
ROME users attention please:
Process finished.
Repository and metadata are all fine.
It should be safe to distro-sync your ROME system again.
Disable any third party repository,
sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist
sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1| tee dsync-log.txt
enable additional repos and do:
sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1| tee dsync2-log.txt
Should you encounter any problem, abort the transaction, open a new topic with a descriptive title in Support category and attach the full dsync-log.txt