Mirrors for Rolling

i use theses mirrors to get update

sudo dnf update
Dernière vérification de l’expiration des métadonnées effectuée il y a 11:11:52 le lun. 22 mars 2021 07:54:08.
Dépendances résolues.
Rien à faire.
Terminé !
[steph@omd ~]$ sudo om-mirror-selector.sh -m
Please select the mirror you want to use by typing the number next to it:
1       http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/
2       http://distro.ibiblio.org/openmandriva/

on both mirrors , i get no update since rebuild on new servers

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Command to update Rolling system :

$ sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist ; sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync

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There have not been many updated package for Rolling for weeks. We are waiting for the next cp cooker 2 rolling and the public release of Rolling. And the ABF server crash has been a major delay to getting to that point. Post-edit: I just received word that cp cooker2rolling will “probably” happen tomorrow. When this happens there will be a lot of upgraded package including all of KDE Plasma, Frameworks, KApps, ect. New kernel and more.

Since this thread is about mirrors:

Also I would quit using the om-mirror-selector unless a user has special circumstance and really needs a specific mirror. With Mirrorbits dnf is always using the latest repodata from abf-downloads and then automatically switches mirror if the current one does not have the latest package. Thus users are assured that you always get the latest package when you update or install.



You can see from Mirrorstats that all the current mirrors in use are up to date.

this is not good :
theses commands return to downgrade 12 packages including sudo ( cvs security )
not applyed

The ABF server crash did introduce some problems regarding system upgrades for Rolling and OM Lx 4.2. I thought I had them mostly or completely figured out and corrected but it looks like in the case of Rolling I did not. So I just did some work on this that I hope will correct or get things very close to correct again. Apologies for any inconvenience to our Rolling users.

One of the distro-release packages tells dnf what packages should be installed for that version of OM Lx. The repodata file in the repository tells what package version each package from that repository should be.

The current version of the distro-release packages for Rolling is distro-release-OpenMandriva-4.2-0.15. If you have version 4.50 you need to downgrade that. That version is for after we do the next cp cooker2rolling.

sudo should be v. sudo-1.9.5p2-1. You don’t mention any other packages so that is all I can address at this time.

The repodata files for main repositories in Rolling were just updated.

If you run:

$ sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf distro-sync

That will put your system current with what is actually in repos at this time. If there are any downgrades let me know exactly what they are and I can probably correct that.

I am not seeing any thing that would downgrade here.

Note: I did not regenerate the repodata files for non-free, restricted, or unsupported repos. If there is a need to do so I can but I don’t see any need. The problems I saw were strictly related to main repo.

i have all synchro with mirrors , some add , some downgrade
version sudo is sudo-1.9.5p2-1

no more update ,
changing mirrors is not possible , required pkg-keys from version 4.2.1-rpm version

reinstalled omv Lx 4.2 , go to rolling shows version 4.50 from old mirrors

you have always old mirrors on current iso Lx 4.2

There are no old mirrors vs. new mirrors. There are just mirrors. They mirror what is in abf-downloads.org. Except for the obvious delay when they sync they would all have the same packages. You or any user can look up the mirror url and see for yourselves what is present. Look in Mirrorbits. If you are using Mirrobits there is no need to change mirrors you are connected to all of them, and the Mirrorbits algorithm will direct dnf to the closest mirror with the most recent package automatically.

On March 26 @bero asked me to move the distro-release version 4.50 packages so I did. So [distro-release-OpenMandriva-4.50-0.1.2](http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/rolling/repository/x86_64/main/release/distro-release-*-4.50-0.1.2 is the current and latest version for Rolling. Othewise there have not been any new packages in Rolling for a long time that I am aware of. (There have been a few rebuilt packages but rebuilds are not new.)

This version of distro-release is for the anticipated copying of cooker to rolling which has not happened yet. When that happens there will be a lot of packages to upgrade, reinstall, ect. all at once. Currently Cooker users are testing v. 4.50 and this should happen soon. In OpenMandriva time soon can mean tomorrow or 2-3 weeks from now, I usually do not know. In this case I would guess it will happen within the next 2-3 days.

Note: This particular copying of Cooker to Rolling will result in a version change for Rolling from OM Lx 4.2 to OM Lx 4.5.


How does a user know if they are using Mirrorbits? Look in /etc/yum.repos.d for the .repo file you are using and check the URL. For most Rolling users that file will be either:




In all the lines that say baseurl= you want to see these url’s:

baseurl=**http://mirror.openmandriva.org**      <ect.>
 	**http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org**      <ect.>

mirrors are working now

Our maybe this happened.

This was at least a month overdue, but a lot of that time was result to the ABF server crash and changing to new, bigger and better ABF servers. The new servers are donated by Ampere in coordination with Oregon State University - Open Source Lab.