- OpenMandriva Lx version:
OM Lx 4.2, Rock, Rolling, and Cooker (Rolling and Cooker users should be able to figure out what to do from the Rock example.)
- Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):
- Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):
Users doing system upgrade from OM Lx 4.1 to Lx 4.2 tend to accept the defaults at the end of the dnf distro-sync --allowerasing
process. This results in your system keeping the old .repo files using the old, less desirable, mirror list instead of the shiny new Mirrobits our Infra gurus have created. (Thanks @raphael for his work on this improvement.)
- Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):
Note: This is an example. Where user creates the ‘save’ folder is optional. I am attempting to keep this explanation simple for less technical users.
To ensure that you have the latest configuration for your .repo files and are using the new Mirrorbits you may do the following. Mirrorbits offers considerable advantages over the old mirror list method. First we create a folder to save the old .repo files just in case there is some problem.
$ mkdir ~/Downloads/yum.repos.d.backup
Then you will have this:
Now we copy the current .repo files to the new folder and forget them unless there is an issue:
$ sudo cp /etc/yum.repos.d/openmandriva* ~/Downloads/yum.repos.d.backup
Now all the old .repo files are in ~/Downloads/yum.repos.d.backup and we will delete the .repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d so we can create new ones:
$ sudo rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/openmandriva*
Now if you look in /etc/yum.repos.d it should be empty. Do not worry that is what we want. Next we put shiny all new .repo files in that folder but installing the package distro-release-repos. Example for Rock systems:
For Rock/x86_64:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh --force http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/openmandriva/rock/repository/x86_64/main/release/distro-release-repos-4.2-1-omv4002.x86_64.rpm
For Rock/znver1:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh --force http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/openmandriva/rock/repository/znver1/main/release/distro-release-repos-4.2-1-omv4002.znver1.rpm
Note: distro-release packages are different for each version/branch of OM Lx. Be sure you are installing the correct package for your system. If you do not know ask.
Now configure your repositories to your own needs.
You can also have a view of our mirror status at our Mirrorstats. You can see which mirros Mirrobits uses for you at our Mirrorbits.
As always should you encounter any issues please ask us in a new thread with a title descriptive of your issue and some detailed information. Or ask us at #openmandriva @ Libera.Chat IRC. For IRC matrix alternative select Chat here.
Hoping some users find the useful or helpful.