Problem: Missing dependencies required for Mullvad VPN install
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6600
MB: MSI MPG B550 Gaming Edge WiFi
Mullvad VPN ver: MullvadVPN-2025.4_x86_64
I’m not sure how to get Konsole logs so let me know if you need them. I’m new to OpenMandriva and have used Linux for 4 years, but I am new to Fedora-like commands so I’m not completely familiar with them yet.
The problem: I can’t install Mullvad VPN due to missing dependencies. The missing dependencies are: dbus-libs and libXScrnSaver. I tried to install those dependencies using sudo dnf install dbus-libs and sudo dnf install libXScrnSaver but I get the message No match for argument: dbus-libs and Error: Unable to find a match: dbus-libs
Using the instructions on the official install instructions page. I originally tried the standard command-line option for Fedora, but I got the same issue. As a last resort, I tried the option for downloading the .rpm package directly from the site and installing it that way, which is at the bottom of the webpage. First I tried installing it with the GUI which brought me into Discover, but attempting to install gives me an error that a package conflict was found. Installing the .rpm file manually using sudo rpm -i /home/mandriva/Downloads/MullvadVPN-2025.4_x86_64.rpm gives me the same missing dependencies error as originally mentioned.
This is the command output when I try to install directly using the .rpm package (this forum won’t let me attach a screenshot):
warning: /home/mandriva/Downloads/MullvadVPN-2025.4_x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 19c8314
error: Failed dependencies:
dbus-libs is needed by mullvad-vpn-2025.4-1.x86_64
libXScrnSaver is needed by mullvad-vpn-2025.4-1.x86_64
The forum won’t let me put links in this post, but there’s one other post in this forum from someone else with the username of Tellur1an, uploaded 7 days ago, who seems to be having the same exact problem, but they haven’t had their issue solved yet at least that I know of.
Update: I can share images and links now. So here is a screenshot of the output when I do the command sudo rpm -i /home/mandriva/Downloads/MullvadVPN-2025.4_x86_64.rpm
Hi and welcome.
You first need to find the correct OM package name, you can search with
dnf search
most OM libraries start with lib or lib64 so for dbus try
dnf search lib*dbus
The wife stole my laptop to make a skype call so I can’t hunt down the package names for you. I would have liked to be more help. Also I would imagine dbus is in the main repo but i am not sure about xscreensaver you may need to enable other repos to find it. Use the repo selector tool from OM-welcome to do that instructions csan be found on the wiki.
The only one that looks possible is the qt but im not sure if thats any help if the vpn app is not qt. Someone may step in with more help than me, if not I will do some digging when I get my laptop back. You could try
Dnf search dbus
But that will probably give you alot of results to look through.
Do you mean the lib64Qt6DBus-6.8.1-1.znver1 package? I just tried installing that one to test it since you mentioned it, but I get the message that the package is already installed.
$ dnf search XScrnSaver
lib64xscrnsaver-devel.x86_64 : Development files for libxscrnsaver
lib64xscrnsaver1.x86_64 : The XScrnSaver Library
libxscrnsaver-devel.x86_64 : Development files for libxscrnsaver (32-bit)
libxscrnsaver1.x86_64 : The XScrnSaver Library (32-bit)
So I don’t have that sudo dnf install lib64dbus-1_3.x86_64 file you have. I enabled the extra repo from your suggestion and tried to install it, but the terminal output is:
I also tried the same command but with the “.x86_64” at the end of it, but it just says there’s no match for the argument lib64dbus-1_3.x86_64
Important to note, the official Mullvad instructions on the webpage here Mullvad VPN for Linux tell you to enable their own repository, which I did, so I think this is why enabling the OM Extra repository didn’t seem to help; but I could be wrong, I’m not 100% sure on that. Let me show you a screenshot:
It looks like the dbus 64bit library is already installed you could try installing the 32 bit libary as well. If that does not work I wonder if the problem is with OM naming conventions (the app code calls for dbus-lib but is not found because OM uses a different name for the package, i’m just speculating i am not a programmer. This is beyond me we will have to wait for someone else to chime in.
32bit can be installed with
It’s what you just did. Show the whole content of the console output, including the command used until the end.
In this case is simple, also a screenshot works, because there are few lines.
Otherwise you can copy/paste it to a plain txt file (select all, copy; create a blank txt file and paste)
A quicker & smarter approach would be: sudo dnf whatever_command 2>&1 | tee konsole-your_filename_here.log
Typical recommended command example: sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1 | tee dsync-log.txt
which you can find here
Since OM is not fedora, dependency package naming is going to be different. You might already have the needed libraries but some RPM packages check for specifically named packages containing the libraries rather than the required files directly
Try “rpm -i --force --nodeps MullvadVPN-2025.4_x86_64.rpm”, that’ll force install it
Just a disclaimer, very rarely removing packages installed this way (especially those with more complex post-install scripts) might be problematic but so far I haven’t had issues yet
When trying to install the 32 bit library, I get the same output as when I try to install the 64 bit library: Package libdbus-1_3-1.16.0-1.znver1 is already installed
I’m not sure if I should try this just yet if it could be problematic for the system later on. Plus, I’m not sure if it could potentially cause a security issue for the VPN or not, by having missing required dependencies for it.
When I try to install it the main way from the instruction page using sudo dnf install mullvad-vpn, one of the messages in the output is (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
So if I then do the command sudo dnf install mullvad-vpn --skip-broken as it suggests, the output ends with Complete!