Ghostty or Terminator


Running ROME 25.01 on a thinkcentre 910c. I want to put OM on all my machines for reasons I’ve explained in other threads. However I’m having a lot of trouble trying just to install a terminal emulation app. I prefer Ghostty but cannot find a way to install it on OM. I cannot even get it to build from source without one failure after another. So I tried Terminator and it installs from the repo but it won’t start. Click the icon and nothing happens. Run it from the terminal and get

“You need to install the python bindings for gobject, gtk and pango to run Terminator.”

I’ve been trying for hours to find the right packages for this and getting no where. Is everything this difficult on OM? Why is Terminator in the repo if it doesn’t work without dependencies that aren’t in the repo? I haven’t even started trying to install the other apps I use every day. I really hope they are not all this much trouble. I’m glad I only installed on a test rig. Because if it’s this damn impossible just to install a terminal emulator I can’t imagine how much fun it’s going to be to install bigger apps.

Has anyone gotten either of these to run on OM?

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Ghostty has been requested on our github. We are a small distro with a small team, so I don’t know how long that will take.

Can you please post the output of the following?

sudo dnf repolist

repo id repo name
rolling-x86_64 OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64
rolling-x86_64-extra OpenMandriva Rolling - Extra - x86_64
rolling-x86_64-restricted OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - x86_64

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I have never installed terminator, so I am doing that now.


Mine gives the same error. On a post at Arch from last year, it said to install glib2, but it shows that it is already installed.

I find this, but I don’t want to install from PIP as dnf will have no idea how to update this later.

How to install Python bindings?
Installing Python Bindings
pip install gtn. To build and install from source, first clone the repo:
git clone Setup your environment:
conda create -n gtn_env conda activate gtn_env. ...
cd bindings/python conda install setuptools. ...
python install. ...
python develop.

I hate python.

I searched around for a while trying to find a solution but can’t find one that works on OM. I’m going to keep looking for a little while longer. If I find a solution, I’ll post it here.

From what I can find, the post above is how you install python bindings. I am not going to install them on my new PC, because I have no need for them. If you want to try them, that is up to you.

Having never installed ghostty or terminator, I am not sure how Arch installs either of them.

I did a quick rebuild of terminator please update and test if anything changed

Arch has both in their repos.

Downloading Packages:
Assertion ‘close_nointr(fd) != -EBADF’ failed at src/basic/fd-util.c:75, function safe_close(). Aborting. ] — B/s | 0 B --:-- ETA

sudo dnf clean all
Then please do:
sudo dnf upgrade terminator --refresh --allowerasing
and post all the console output, including the command until the end.

└─$ sudo dnf clean all
87 files removed

└─$ sudo dnf upgrade terminator --refresh --allowerasing
OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64 9.1 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Extra - x86_64 4.8 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - x86_64 9.0 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

└─$ terminator
You need to install the python bindings for gobject, gtk and pango to run Terminator.

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Ok looks like the mirrors did not catch the new package yet.
You may want to try again a bit later.

You can probably try the second command again.

Still getting “Nothing to do.”

O.K., give it another hour.

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Nope. I can confirm

Btw terminator used to work say around a year ago, now looks like it’s missing of few deps.
As a community distribution, everyone is welcome to contribute.

Most gtk applications probably will only work on gtk environments. I’m pretty sure that for example on gnome, xfce, mate, and budgie iso it works as expected.

I was able to build ghostty from source (and I’m still pretty much a noob with most things). Did you look through ghostty’s documentation to ensure you had all of the dependencies installed first?

Sounds great!
Would you mind to comment with details here?
Ghostty Terminal Emulator · Issue #3077 · OpenMandrivaAssociation/distribution · GitHub
It probably would help.