Ghostty or Terminator

Yea, every time I installed one it errored on many more. Some of which I can’t find at all. Would be very helpful if you posted the steps you took.

After installing the dependencies I tried to compile and I got an error that it couldn’t find 25 libraries.

And I’m not even running an Nvidia GPU.

$ sudo dnf install terminator --refresh --enablerepo=cooker-x86_64-extra

Thanks to @AngryPenguin



Thanks a ton, seriously. I am very happy right now.


I’m happy that you are happy :grin:
Consider that it’s in cooker right now but guess soon will be packaged also for ROME.
Edit: no, it’s there already lol.

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Hey, I’m a gtk package maintainer.

I hope I managed to fix the terminator package.
Check it out and let me know - the package should be in the rome/rolling repository now.

Unfortunately, due to system policy, maintaining gtk applications has become much more difficult than before. I’m not able to check on an ongoing basis whether an application that worked a year ago, half a year ago or even a month ago still works, especially when changes appear in the system that involve splitting gtk libraries into smaller parts or removing dependencies from key libraries. It’s like covering the entire gtk with a sanitary cordon. This means that gtk applications in QT installations such as plasma or lxqt may stop working and in principle it may go unnoticed by me. I have no doubt that this is not dictated by technical issues but purely ideological ones, like in the dark times of the last century.

Therefore, as a maintainer, I can only guarantee the correct operation of GTK applications in OpenMandriva installations using GTK environments such as GNOME, XFCE, Mate or Budgie.

Due to the above-mentioned problems and the inability to maintain packages in the entire system, I am considering resigning not only from maintaining GTK packages, but also from participating in the work on the OpenMandriva system. I plan to step down after the release of GNOME 48 - which, if the system policy is not changed, will be the last one available in OpenMandriva.

The problem you experienced did not occur before, so I did not notice it. I understand that installing an application that turns out to be inoperable is frustrating for you - for me as a maintainer as well, so I cannot allow this state of affairs to continue. Therefore, as of today, I plan to introduce the following guidelines.

GTK applications are only supported in the system version with GTK environments such as gnome/xfce, mate or budgie.

GTK applications are not supported in qt environments. I am considering closing future bug reports regarding this matter if they concern qt.

If someone expects GTK applications to work properly in qt installations, they should rather look for alternative packages written in qt, consider changing the distribution to something else (it should works fine in others), or insist on changing the ideological approach to this in OpenMandriva.
Unfortunately, I myself cannot guarantee or change anything.
I hope you understand the situation.
I will try to provide more details in the future.


It is working. Thank you.

I’m not sure if you’re still looking for this, as it seems like you got Terminator working…but here are the steps that I did to compile Ghostty.

Step 1: Follow git clone steps from Ghossty’s build from source page
git clone cd ghostty
Step 2: Download zig 0.13 tar.xz file from Zig’s download page. Extract that file into the ghostty file that Step 1 created in your home directory (I’m not sure that the extraction step is needed, but it’s what I did and it worked).

Step 3: Download dependencies: gtk4, lib64gtk4.0-devel, libadwaita, lib64adwaita-devel, lib64adwaita1_0, pkgconf (gtk4, libadwaita, and pkgconf were already installed on my system. I needed to install the others to make it work)

Step 4: cd into ghostty directory created in Step 1 (if you’re not already there), then cd into the zig file that you extracted into the ghostty directory.

Step 5: run the zig build -p $HOME/.local -Doptimize=ReleaseFast ... command from Ghostty’s install page. Note: for this to work for me, I had to add “./” before “zig” to execute it.

Step 6: watch everything build and hope nothing goes wrong.

What helped me out the most was installing everything using Warp terminal’s AI, as I’m still pretty new when it comes to using Linux. That’s how I found out about the other dependencies that Ghostty didn’t list.

Are you running cooker? When I tried to install the dependencies I got the below.

─$ sudo dnf install gtk4 lib64gtk4.0-devel libadwaita lib64adwaita-devel lib64adwaita1_0 pkgconf
Last metadata expiration check: 0:50:57 ago on Tue 04 Feb 2025 12:31:26 PM EST.
Package gtk4.0-4.16.12-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Package lib64gtk4.0-devel-4.16.12-1.x86_64 is already installed.
No match for argument: libadwaita
Package lib64adwaita-devel-1.6.3-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Package lib64adwaita1_0-1.6.3-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Package pkgconf-2.1.1-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Error: Unable to find a match: libadwaita

Nope! I’m on Rome. From what you showed, it looks like you have everything installed. Are you using the right version of Zig?

Oh wait…I forgot an additional dependency. You also need “lib64glib2.0-devel”

The first error that popped up for me when building it had a “glib-compile-resources” error. That package should fix that.

Nope still getting the can’t find 25 different things errors. The errors are listed below, there’s a wall of text between each and another one at the end.

  └─ zig build-exe ghostty ReleaseFast native failure
error: error: unable to find dynamic system library 'gtk-4' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'harfbuzz' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'pangocairo-1.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'pango-1.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'gdk_pixbuf-2.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'cairo-gobject' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'cairo' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'vulkan' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'graphene-1.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'gio-2.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'glib-2.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:

error: unable to find dynamic system library 'gobject-2.0' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'adwaita-1' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'X11' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:
error: unable to find dynamic system library 'wayland-client' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths:

Yeah…I have no idea then. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

I’m new to OpenMandriva, only about 2 hours in… last time I used this it was called Mandrake. I ran into a similar problem linking against GTK with an error

error: unable to find dynamic system library 'gtk4' using strategy 'mode_first'. searched paths: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/local/lib/ ...
It appears that GTK is installed with a hyphen. I have /usr/lib64/ but the search path only includes /usr/lib64/ I solved this by adding another symlink without the hyphen and ghostty is now built and seems to be running fine on my system.

I didn’t have problem with the other libraries listed above. I can say that you need to listen to the recommendation on the Ghostty page to use only zig 0.13.0. The latest version of zig has issues building this package.

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Welcome! We are glad to have you here.