Does anyone use Ventoy to install OMLx?


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:


  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):


So If anyone out there uses Ventoy to install OMLx how do you get this to work? I have tried with known, tested, OMLx ROME and Rock isos and that error happens 100%.

Edit: I can guess the Ventoy is doing something different with how it mounts the ‘Live’ OS but I do not know what to do about that. When the isos are booted using Ventoy I can verify that the system does not recognize /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS/. So I am mystified as to how it can boot if that is not recognized but it does.

Hi, I already posted here stating that I installed Openmandriva plasma 24.07 from my Ventoy USB stick; I too experienced the ‘squashfs.img doesn’t exist’.
What I did to circumvent the issue: in Konsole, cd to “/run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS”,
cp squashfs.img /live
Afterwards, you can start Install Openmandriva.
Good luck

Thanks, but that is not working as you can see here:

Instincts tell me that is the right idea but the location is not correct.

Test info: I am using a ROME .iso #3364 that I know works and installs from flash drive when the .iso is copied with om-imagewriter. Or in om-imagewriter is not working there is sudo dd if=<iso_name> of=<usb_drive> bs=4M conv=fdatasync status=progress. So not a corrupted download, this .iso file works and has been tested quite a bit.

OK this is bizzare but I think I have something that works.

  1. Do as @Ojoyer says: in Konsole, cd to “/run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS ”,
    cp squashfs.img /live
    You have to do this step immediately after booting the ‘Live’ ISO or the folder /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS will either disappear or somehow not get recognized. After doing that cp then that folder will disappear so next:
  2. $ sudo mkdir /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS
  3. $ sudo cp /live/squashfs.img /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS
  4. To check:
 $ ls -la /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS
total 2867796
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root         60 Oct 19 20:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root         60 Oct 19 20:29 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2936623104 Oct 19 20:30 squashfs.img
  1. Install OMLx

This does not make sense but what I keep seeing over and over is that something is causing the directory /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS to disappear or not be recognized. I have in the last 2 days make 8-12 install attempts with an OMLx iso booted off of Ventoy.

So after doing all the steps above I did get iso #3364 booted from Ventoy to install. I will want to do a few more tests to confirm this before I say this problem is solved.

As far as I can see Calamares looks for squashfs.img in /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS so /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS/squashfs.img must exist for there to be a successful install. This is not optional.

The larger issue seems to be wtf is causing that folder to be there and then if you do the cp to /live or try to do an install that folder disappears or is no longer recognized. That is bleeping weird.

Edit: It is likely that the above steps would work with most if not all current OMLx isos.

Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. I may have found an easier way to do this.

Copy your desired OMLx .iso file to the Ventoy partiton on the Ventoy flash drive. Boot that.

  1. Open Konsole (terminal) and cd /run/initramfs/omdv/LiveOS
  2. type ls and check that squashfs.img is present
  3. Leave Konsole (terminal) open in that directory
  4. Open OMLx Calamares installer and install your new system

It seems as long as that directory is open and ls shows squashfs.img is present then user will be able to install their desired OMLx system booted from the Ventoy flash drive.

I did successful installs this way using:

Rock znver1 iso #2719 (using xfs file system type)
Cooker x86_64 iso #3401 (using xfs file system type)

and previously had done:

ROME x86_64 iso #3364 (using ext4 file system type)

I am believing this issue is solved. I have not tried using f2fs or btrfs. It is time for other folks to do some testing of those.


Hi ben79, weird as it is but it has always worked for me the last 3 or 4 times I installed different flavors of OMLx 24.07, and I did experience that ‘disappearance’ of /live/squashes.img. Fyi I found out this trick just as a stab since calamares complains about missing squashes.img as I made sure before hand that that file was present in the iso. In my opinion this problem with Ventoy is due to a change in the making of the iso since it didn’t happen to me with OMLx 23.08 or other Linux ISOs like Mint

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