Where to find older kernels for OMLx (ALL versions)

Thanks for the quick and thorough response!

Hmm…it does present a problem for me though since I need slightly older kernels. It seems like rome has the latest kernel only and rock has an older kernel that doesn’t get updated at all.

Going in the other direction I have used the latest kernel or kernel-rc (release candidate for next stable kernel at kernel.org) in Rock many times. That works. I see no reason someone could not use an older kernel in ROME or Rock. There may be a limit to how old of a kernel but my guess is even v. 4.x kernels should work.

Where to find older kernels:


At the top of the list you will see repositories for End of Life release 4.3 where in the main/release repo you should find kernel-release-desktop-5.16.3. You’ll find newer kernel in 5.0 (current Rock release) and even older in Index of /release_archives/ where it looks like the oldest version is kernel4.17-desktop-4.17.18. For OMLx releases the standard kernel installed in called kernel-release-desktop. Form version 5.0 they are called kernel-desktop. But poke around you should be able to find something that suits your needs.

But I encourage you to download and save the .rpm for whatever kernels you find suitable for your needs.

FWIW kernel-release-desktop-5.1.9-1 was the installed kernel for OMLx version 4.0. kernel4.17-desktop-4.17.18 was old even then (I beleve 2020 or 2019) but it is there.

Edit: For security and hardware support it is best to use the newest kernel that works for your situation.

The above posts were split from Updates on Rock and given a relevant title. I believe there may be a few users that want or need this information.

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