What a user needs to know before installing OpenMandriva?

My opinion: That is partly because OM does not get along as well with Discover. Do not use Discover of dnfdragora to upgrade Cooker or ROME systems for instance. You need to use dnf --refresh dsync because of OpenMandriva’s unique packaging.

Discover and dnfdragora are OK for finding packages or installing FlatEarth, er, uh, FlatPak stuff. Edit: They are also OK for installing and removing just not upgrading,

dnfdrake is a better alternative for OM users than Discover or dnfdragora. Edit: With dnfdrake you can set it to use distro-sync with your Cooker or ROME system. (dsync is an alias for distro-sync)

This is a Forum/Resources
article on Upgrading OMLx systems.

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