What a user needs to know before installing OpenMandriva?

Everything is in the title.

- Please make a (not too long) list, say around max 10 items
- Only questions/suggestions accepted, this topic is not going to turn into any mess. We’ll move or remove inadequate comments
- Wished how-to will be added to Resources as soon as possible. Everyone can help too, see How to contribute user’s documentation


That OpenMandriva uses clang by default

What means GPT & /boot/efi required with flag boot & ESP

first check update UEFI motherboard
then check also all theses options

  • Secure boot off
  • CSM off
  • all disks to AHCI
  • no RST

and what means GPT & /boot/efi required with flag boot & ESP

also how to create a GOOD USB iso

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For UEFI boot a /boot/efi partiton does have to be present and mount point set and it does require ESP and boot flags enabled. This is explained in Release Notes, the explanation may need a rewrite.

I would add a section for users coming from another distro like arch or mint.

Yes, I have been thinking we need something like that. I could not write that as I have not really used anything other than OMLx for a few years. So help wanted, perhaps a collaboration?

I dont have enough experience to give a well-defined comparison but from what i can tell from 20 minutes of post install of openmandriva in comparison to kde arch.

Biggest issue coming from arch would be missing discover on the taskbar.

My opinion: That is partly because OM does not get along as well with Discover. Do not use Discover of dnfdragora to upgrade Cooker or ROME systems for instance. You need to use dnf --refresh dsync because of OpenMandriva’s unique packaging.

Discover and dnfdragora are OK for finding packages or installing FlatEarth, er, uh, FlatPak stuff. Edit: They are also OK for installing and removing just not upgrading,

dnfdrake is a better alternative for OM users than Discover or dnfdragora. Edit: With dnfdrake you can set it to use distro-sync with your Cooker or ROME system. (dsync is an alias for distro-sync)

This is a Forum/Resources
article on Upgrading OMLx systems.

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well then maybe we should pin dnfdrake to the taskbar if it can function as a good “default”

Perhaps. We are working on dnf5 version of dnfdragora that will allow for using distor-sync as well but is a work in progress.

atleast you have a plan, one of the biggest issues with making linux userfriendly in general is having a way for nonsavy users to install packages/applications without breaking thier system or confusing them to the point of “screw this”.

Alright. Thanks to everyone providing suggestions and feedback here :heart:

I’m leaning toward writing a new topic in Resources.
What do you think about: Newcomers’ FAQs ?
or maybe Newcomers’ Tips
Any better idea?

I do not have a better idea. Just we would perhaps want that to be something we keep changing/updating based on user input.

And all the new users posting in this forum, thank you, it helps us do a better job, especially me.

That’s the plan.

I would rather see this on the wiki. I check official documentation for everything and use forums as a last resort. And to be honest, the wiki is rather lacking in info.

I agree this should be in our OM-Wiki. I would like to see both a “Before installing” and “After installing” page in our wiki and in the Forum/Resources section.

Refreshing but not the path we are used to seeing from users. Most people do not even read the Release Notes for what they are about to install and we have to continually point the to this. Granted the new users we are seeing as a result of Lunduke video seem more likely to read this stuff. It is what I would do if I wanted to try some other distro.

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Sure it will go also there.
I would take the new topic as a draft, easy to edit and rework at needs, while also easily at your hand. Being the wiki official documentation, as you say, I want it to be neat and organized as much as we can do.
Actually I already gathered some links, from the wiki as well, to list here. At wiki of course they will be interlinks :wink:

Raw draft work in progress: Newcomers Tips (draft)

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