Ho appena aggiornato il pacchetto di virtualbox ma pare che la riconfigurazione del kernel non sia andata a buon fine. Qualche altra volta è già capitato, ma è bastato eseguire il comanod /sbin/vboxconfig come suggerito dal messaggio di errore) e tutto andò a posto. Stavolta il comando /sbin/vboxconfig NON C’E’:cosa posso fare ?
Configurazione: RAM: 8GB DDR3 1333 - Mother board: ASUS H67 B3 Revision
4 processori INTEL CORE I3-2120 (64bit) -Scheda video ASUS NVIDIA PhysX GeForce GT440 -SEAGATE HD 500 GB SATA 7200
OpenMandriva Lx 3.0- kernel-release-desktop-4.11.3-2omv- Plasma 5.10.4
Segnalo stesso problema usando LXQT.
Dopo aggiornamento alla partenza di virtualbox c’è l’errore
il file /sbin/vboxconfig non è presente. Guardando su internet danno come alternativa il comando
/usr/lib64/virtualbox/ setup
il risultato è Stopping VirtualBox services. Building VirtualBox kernel modules. failed: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong.
il file /var/log/vbox-install.log riporta l’errore
/usr/lib64/virtualbox/ riga 392: /usr/lib64/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/build_in_tmp: File o directory non esistente
Alangea abbiamo bisogno di questo per sapere quale versione di VirtualBox hai, ma anche dobbiamo sapere se hai ‘dkms-virtualbox’ installato per andare avanti con questo.
I have the same problem.
[root@localhost Production]# rpm -qa | grep virtualbox
Uno di voi deve presentare un report di bug il più presto possibile. Inserisci informazioni e dettagli sufficienti per qualcun altro per capire il problema e cercare di risolverlo. Non dimenticare [this.] (Bug report tool for OpenMandriva Lx)
One of you needs to file a bug report as soon as possible. Please include enough information and detail for someone else to understand the problem and try to solve it. Don’t forget this.
I’vgot IDENTICAL diagnostics for the SAME commands typed by alblpanig.
root@localhost alangea]# /usr/lib64/virtualbox/ setup Stopping VirtualBox services. Building VirtualBox kernel modules. failed: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong.
[root@localhost alangea]# more /var/log/vbox-install.log
/usr/lib64/virtualbox/ riga 392: /usr/lib64/virtualbox/src/vboxhost/build_in_tmp: File o directory non esistente
I cannot update the kernel-headers package because of a conflict with the installed one. The latter is not unistallable, because of a lot of dependencies: I don’t know how to do it.
Lord have mercy. This should have been mentioned at the very beginning. That package is way to old for Y’all to be using it. That package is so old developers removed it from repository. Open Konsole, become root and run:
# urpme kernel-headers
Write down (copy and paste) any other packages removed. Now run this:
That should readd any packages that were removed. But to be safe check and see if there are any packages in your removed list that weren’t installed with that command and use ‘urpmi’ in Konsole to install them back. See, that just isn’t that hard to do.
Now reboot and when you do remove any and all virtualbox and dkms packages. Now reinstall them.
Let us know what happens. Ask if you have any questions or problems. But you really, really need to do this.
Post edit: If removing dkms removes any other kernel modules then you want to reinstall them with the new kernel-release-headers. Just follow same procedures above. Copy and paste somewhere all removed packages and then reinstall them.
Again do it exactly like I said. The packages being removed are kernel devel packages not the kernel itself. urpmi will not let you remove a working kernel.
If you continue to use such an outdated kernel headers package you are asking for problems with anything requiring a kernel module.
No it doesn’t. Do you know how many times I have done this? urpmi will not remove a working kernel. The packages being removed are kernel devel packages only. Read the error message.
Edit: If nothing else post like you did above the complete output when you run: