Twitter / X community manager wanted


OpenMandriva wants to up its game in the marketing department and since Debian is moving off of Twitter / X because of wokeness reasons (, it might be a perfect time to spread it’s free-speech and don’t-care-who-you-are mentality there.

The problem is, we lack the typical marketing / social media type of person who wants to take on this endeavor. It would involve posting semi-regularly about OpenMandriva announcements and news, like new releases or other interesting stuff happening in the OpenMandriva universe.

So, anybody who think that might be fun to do is invited to fill this position.


OpenMandriva Association President should create and own the account, and give management permissions to someone.

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Hello, for instance what kind of message would you like to post ? I admit social media are not our strength,


Explain who we are. Who we are not. Big version upgrades. Anything that could attract attention and draw new users, or funding.

Minds would also be an ideal place. They are open source and I think you can still link it with X (and possibly YT).

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If no one else volunteers for it. I can do it. I’m on X daily. I don’t post much on my main account just mainly retweet…or reX??? Lol

I suck at being a tester so maybe this is the best way to help out.


I suppose I could bite the bullet and get back on X for OMLx. I’ll go start a new account if I have to.
I can handle X a lot more than I can handle any of the other social media platforms. At least they dont get upset over memes.

I believe @bero said he already has the account and would just need to set whomever up with management rights to it.

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Thats cool.
Im trying to start a new account and they apparently arent letting me. Lol.
I should prolly clear browser cache.

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That worked. Lol.

So just reply to this is the request or do you want us to do dm’s?

Or Matrix

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I can create a new OpenMandriva Italia account (if it doesn’t already exist) on X in Italian by translating from your future posts. I work, so I can’t devote full time. Once a day, however, I can translate from English and post in my native language if that would be helpful.


Ooooh, finalmente un compaesano tra i nuovi arrivi! :grin: :rofl: :tada:

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Ciao… pochi connazionali qui? Io mi sono registrato proprio oggi.

@OttavianoAugusto sei il primo che vedo, tra i nuovi iscritti. Non so se qualcuno lo è ma non lo ha fatto sapere :wink:
Abbiamo una sezione del forum apposita per discutere in italiano. Gli amici sono molto disponibili e utili.
Magari ci trasferiamo lì per chiacchierare, che qui siamo un tantino offtopic.

(Apologize for the OT)


Does someone want to manage this?

I’ll do it.

I talked with Bero. He mentioned your name. But wasnt sure if I should dm you or not. I dont remember if I’ve talked with you before.


Great, thanks @UnkleBonehead :slight_smile:

And sure you can PM me, I may be slow sometimes to reply, but don’t hesitate though.


What’s the account name? I want to make sure I’m following the right one.

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