Transaction failure when trying to install kde-cli-tools


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:

  • cooker

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):

  • Plasma

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

sudo dnf install kde-cli-tools
gets me
kde-cli-tools x86_64 5.27.12-1 cooker-x86_64 1.0 M
Dependencies install
appstream x86_64 1.0.4-1 cooker-x86_64 564 k
and a lot more…
and further
Error: Transactiontest error:
file /usr/lib/systemd/user/plasma-kscreen.service from install of libkscreen-5.27.12-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package plasma6-libkscreen-dbus-service-6.3.2-1.x86_64
file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kscreen.service from install of libkscreen-5.27.12-1.x86_64 conflicts with file from package plasma6-libkscreen-dbus-service-6.3.2-1.x86_64
and another two screenfulls alike.

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):
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┌──[wilson@heisenberg] Wed Mar 05, 10:02:54 [~] 
└──[ <$> dnf info plasma6-kde-cli-tools
OpenMandriva Rolling - znver1                                                               3.5 MB/s | 5.3 MB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Extra - znver1                                                       1.3 MB/s | 1.4 MB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - znver1                                                   20 kB/s |  24 kB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Non-free - znver1                                                     26 kB/s |  30 kB     00:01    
Installed Packages
Name         : plasma6-kde-cli-tools
Version      : 6.3.2
Release      : 1
Architecture : znver1
Size         : 3.8 M
Source       : plasma6-kde-cli-tools-6.3.2-1.src.rpm
Repository   : @System
From repo    : rolling-znver1
Summary      : KDE Plasma 6 CLI (Command Line Interface) Tools
URL          :
License      : GPL
Description  : KDE Plasma 6 CLI (Command Line Interface) Tools.
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In addition to the correct package name anyone using cooker needs to get used to using --refresh for dnf transactions so you are using current repos. There are changes to cooker repos throughout the day every day. Every new package published writes new repodata files for that repo.

Well, I had this problem first using dnfdragora and that one refreshes the repos, right??? But I found it not so easy to view and copy the error messages from there, so I used the CLI.
plasma6-kde-cli-tools is not the same as kde-cli-tools, the plasma stuff was already installed (by defaullt?), and the kde-cli-tools draws in some ca. 50 other dependencies, or at least tries to.

Why cooker, first of all?
Cooker requires a bit advanced knowledge that common users and new to OM still don’t have at least at the beginning.
I’d suggest ROME instead, or Rock 6.0.

Anyway, for your information Plasma6 packages are all named plasma6-* so you do:
dnf search package
and when you get 2 packages with the same name, one prepended by plasma6- you want to install this one.

I had this problem first using dnfdragora


and that one refreshes the repos, right?

why one would assume that?

Primo, cooker because it is the only distro/version I found that carries bugzilla 5.2, but that is another issue.
Secundo, I might look new to you, but I have some 10 years of QA testing for Mageia behind me, that involves testing of alpha and beta’s of upcoming versions.
Tertio, I “assume” dnfdragora refreshes because tthat is what it says on the status line below when I start it.
Quarto: I wanted to use the kdesu command, and that is not installed by default. When I enter the command at the CLI, I get the message that it is not there, I should install kde-cli-tools. And the kdesu package is indeed one that is drawn in as dependency. I am aware that not all is perfect in cooker, so I presume the info might be usefull for your packagers/builders that there is still an issue there. If they know already, sory for the disturbance.


This package is Plasma5, if you have a Plasma5 system this is what you want to install.


This package is Plasma6, if you have a Plasma6 system you want to install this package.

The tip off as to which is which should not be hard to figure out, look at the package version number. 5.27.12-1 vs. 6.3.2-1. I have been tripped up by this a few times myself.

I believe dnfdragora refreshes repositories before you can do anything with it. Sure looks that way to me every time I open it. I only use dnfdragora for testing myself but I do test it. Discover I just do not hardly use and rarely test. I am one of those that believes Discover is not a great idea to have for OMLx.

IMO a better gui package manager is dnfdrake. I do not use that one either but it works well as far as I know. I find package management from terminal to be easy enough and user gets better information.

Note: Removed, see post below for accurate information direct from the home office about kdesu in Plasma 6.

Edit: Note-2: Removed something that might confuse this issue.

It turns out there is more to this issue. kf6-kdesu and plasma6-kde-cli-tools are installed by default in OMLx P6 systems. I talked to the home office and the project leader says kdesu is working “perfectly” in OMLx P6. The issue is that it is not supposed to be used in terminal at all. It is only used to open things like say graphical apps like KDE Partition Manager. Where we used to use kdesu we should now use pkexec.

This is a quote from project leader:

I’m not sure if kdesu is still used anywhere, most stuff has moved to pkexec
(main difference being that kdesu is plasma specific while pkexec is desktop neutral)

There is this post in Arch Linux forum regarding this issue.

I kind of knew this stuff but had forgotten the details so I had to confirm what I thought I knew with the home office.

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:slight_smile: The exact wording was:

OpenMandriva is not <put your distro here>

That said, I did not mean to offend you.
On the contrary, after a bit of expected learning curve (for the above mentioned link) you may want to contribute to QA and testing OpenMandriva. You will be very welcome indeed.

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If kf6-kdesu should be installed by default, it was certainly not on my very default cooker. I normally do not use kdesu at the CLI, but I did that time to find out whether it was present, quod non.
Once installed it works perfectly. But that is no reason why installing the kde-cli-tools should fail.

I just checked and I have both kf6-kdesu and plasma6-kde-cli-tools installed by default on the latest ISO of ROME. I am not sure why your install did not include kf6-kdesu.

If you have a P6 system that is going to fail because of some P6 vs. P5 packages having conflicting files.

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We can’t have both. KDE upgraded to Plasma 6 and that is great. :smiley:


Right now, we are in between P5 and P6. Once all of the applications like krita and others have upgraded their stuff to be compatible with P6, we won’t have a need to keep the old P5 libraries and programs around. At that point the plasma6 prefix will be dropped. Until then, we grin and bear it.

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