This is a work in progress.
– Stop.
Go to the top of this page where you see the “Big Fat Warning” window, scroll through that and read whatever you have not already read.
No excuses for not reading this.
– Stop again.
If you have not read How to get better results when posting about problems go back and read that. Know it, learn it, believe it, use it.
For those that wish to help with QA we need help with testing. The more hardware that gets tested on the better we can make OMLx.
– Be a self starter, try to do as much as you can yourself.
Look things up yourself. Read.
If reading the documentation is too much trouble you do not belong in QA.
Above all keep in mind that anyone helping you is an unpaid volunteer, donating their time, knowledge, and so forth. Please be respectful of this and do not waste their time asking them to do things you can do.
– What to you want to test?
– Can we keep this simple but helpful?
Categories of things that need to be tested include: isos, installed system, and packages.
– Do you want to test ROME or Cooker?
– Do you know the difference?
For all of them a simple principle would be use it and report issues. OK that reporting issues can get to be a problem though.
– If there is an issue search that issue on the internet.
We are all unpaid volunteers and do not have time to do this for other people. Information you find on the internet may resolve your issue or may be very helpful in a bug report or forum thread.
– When in doubt file a bug report not a forum thread.
If you do not have time to file a proper bug report why do you believe someone will have time to fix your problem?
To report issues:
- OM Forum is primarily users helping other users, it is OK to report issues here but know that developers may or may not ever see your thread. Devs have reading lists and the Forum is down the list for most if not all of them. This does not mean they don’t care.
- Serious technical issues should get a bug report. This is much more reliable way to get the attention of developers.
- For either Forum or bug report, one issue per thread or report.
- Start with a descriptive title.
- Include a detailed accurate description of the problem, include screen-shots, ect.
- Include steps to reproduce the problem
- Include all logs, terminal output, or other relevant information.
- If a user does not know how to find logs, ect. we can walk them through the process, it is not difficult. But learn it.
- Sometimes it is helpful to report things that do work, this is most important for people testing in our development platform Cooker.
- I did not include any links in this. Why? If you can not find things like where to file a bug report how much help are you going to be?
- Reporting issues on OM-Chat. In the past we strongly encouraged this. With all the new users the OpenMandriva channel has gotten difficult to keep up with. You can report issues there but things reported there can get lost in the flow. Bug reports.
- We all started by starting. Just do it.
- If you make mistakes correct them, preferably right away.
- We all will learn as we go forward. Mistakes are a great teacher.
- Look things up for yourself. Read.
Again this is a work in progress. I am closing this thread to keep it simple and specific, forum threads quickly get cluttered and hard to follow. Feedback is welcome, please post your feedback in Development/QA forum category. I will respond as time allows.