Testing OM-Welcome

Just a friendly reminder. :grinning:

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Do you write out a change-log for these updates?

That’s the plan.

Is this latest update just the Polish translation, or are other changes included?

A few more changes will come soon.

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Changelog at 2025-02-01T23:00:00Z

  • Fixed Chromium module
  • Moved Brave Browser as first on its row displayed module
  • Brave Browser is now a just-one-click-install
  • Update System command is dnf5 ready
  • Applications > Games > Endless Sky properly installs the app
  • Mouse cursor is consistent across the application
  • Larger repo-picker icon
  • Configure > System Kuser installs and properly starts the app afterwards
  • About opens with click anywhere on the blue box
  • Translations updated and merged from transifex

Hope I did not forget anything :thinking:
Still working on Applications behaviour consistency

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Just asking, but what if we re-arraigned the tabs at the top of the app?

Welcome Repositories Features Configure Applications Contribute


Welcome Features Repositories Configure Applications Contribute

To move Repositories left and thus higher in the order of importance.

In future, maybe.

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I’d prefer this

Welcome Features Repositories  Applications Configure Contribute

om-welcome-2.9.6-1 published in cooker repository

ROME users:
sudo dnf upgrade om-welcome --enablerepo=cooker-x86_64 --refresh
Replace x86_64 with znver1 if the case.

Cooker users: just upgrade it.

Show message APP already installed for consistency across all the relevant modules.

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That should be symlinked to dnf4 not 3.

I understand. I would have thought that as well, from a logic perspective. dnf4 is symlinked to dnf-3. It’s just how it works with dnf, until the final move to dnf5.
You can verify this by running the following:

tree /usr/bin/ -P dnf*

If it returns an error because you are in /usr/bin, just run it from your home folder (or virutally any other folder). In dnf package manager distros, dnf points to dnf-3, and dnf4 points to dnf-3.
At any rate, if you run dnf-3 --version you’ll see that it returns a version of 4 point, etc. It’s still version four, it’s the binary that is dnf-3

I found no issues. Well done indeed.

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om-welcome-2.9.6-1 is in the ROME repos now.