The icon with the red heart. I had no idea it went to the donate page till I tried it. Do we want to label it?
Features tab
OpenMandriva application Software Repository Selector shows name and icon but not clickable.
OpenMandriva application Software Repository Selector shows name and icon but not clickable.
OpenMandriva application Bug report tool shows name and icon but not clickable.
If you are going to show them, make them real.
ABF page shows a link and hover makes the cursor change but the link does nothing.
Cursor does not change on any of the programs to show they are clickable. They change to blue, but I expect to see the cursor change. It makes me unsure what to click. With no hourglass to show busy, I don’t know if my click worked and I ended up with multiple windows opening to do a system update.
It installs and opens DNFDrake, but it is wider than my ultra-wide monitor and I cannot change it. I know that is unrelated, but still…
Applications tab
Endless Sky does nothing when clicked
Repositories tab
Why is “Manage Repositories with OM Software Repository Selector” blue if I can’t click on it?
Why is “Please use only Software Repository Selector to enable/disable repositories” if I can’t click on it?
Why isn’t OpenMandriva repo-picker blue when I can click it? Make it and the icon the same size as others on the other tabs.
Contribute tab
Same issue as other tabs. Cursor does not change to show clickable or busy.
About is different from the other buttons. You have to click the icon or the word about. The rest, you can click anywhere blue.
I would think so since I downloaded it from the WIKI page 4 days ago. When I click on the “about” button in it nothing happens so i really cant say right now. If you still want me to figure out what version I have I can study later on how to figure it out.
Wilson, it was a fresh install and the first thing I did was try and install it from OMWelcome. It did bring the install window up but just sat there and didnt do anything. I then installed it from Konsole.
That did not answer the question, did you add the repo first? If the repo is not added, the install would just time out. If you weren’t doing it from the command line, you would not get an error message that the file was not found. I already have Brave, so I can’t tell.
Also this is testing OM-Welcome in the testing repo before it is released to ROME to replace the one that is there.
Im sorry I shouldnt have piped up, I clearly dont know what Im doing.
I dont know what you mean by “add the repo”. OM booted up after the installation and the first thing I did was to open OMWelcome and navigated to the Brave Browser installation tab, clicked it and the OpenMandiva repository picker popped up, I checked the extra, restricted, non-free and the Brave Browser boxes and hit ok. It didnt work. After searching on google a bit I found the command to type into Konsole to install brave so I did that and it worked.
[uriah@openmandriva-x8664 ~]$ sudo dnf in brave-broswer
[sudo] password for uriah:
brave 8.0 kB/s | 2.0 kB 00:00
brave 194 kB/s | 47 kB 00:00
Brave Browser 20 kB/s | 2.0 kB 00:00
Brave Browser 186 kB/s | 47 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64 4.3 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64 1.9 MB/s | 5.4 MB 00:02
OpenMandriva Rolling - Extra - x86_64 7.6 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - x86_64 5.4 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
OpenMandriva Rolling - Non-free - x86_64 7.1 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00
No match for argument: brave-broswer
Error: Unable to find a match: brave-broswer
[uriah@openmandriva-x8664 ~]$
Although the file appears to install the repo before it installs brave-browser, but it fails. If it were run from the command line we might see the error message. Since I have brave installed, it opens it with no error, but I am guessing that if I did not have it installed I would see an error that it requires sudo. @LinNoob did it ask you for the sudo password? If you remember, fine. If not, that’s fine too.
I am looking at the file usr/share/om-welcome/apps/
. /usr/share/htmlscript/helpers
if command -v brave-browser; then
exec brave-browser
APP=$"Brave Browser"
if kdialog --title $"OpenMandriva" --yesno $"Do you want to install $APP?"; then
ProgressDialog $"Installing $APP"
pkexec sh -c "dnf install dnf-plugins-core --assumeyes --refresh && dnf config-manager --add-repo && dnf install brave-browser --assumeyes --refresh"
ProgressDialog --close
if command -v brave-browser; then
kdialog --title $"OpenMandriva" --msgbox $"Installation succeeded."
kdialog --title $"OpenMandriva" --msgbox $"Installation failed."
[uriah@openmandriva-x8664 ~]$ sudo dnf in brave-browser
[sudo] password for uriah:
Last metadata expiration check: 1:00:10 ago on Sat 25 Jan 2025 08:47:05 PM CST.
Package brave-browser-1.74.50-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[uriah@openmandriva-x8664 ~]$
Most of the stuff I clicked on opened and installed. The only issue I saw was with Fine Additional Applications. the dnfdragora selector. It would not work when clicked. It may be because I am using cooker and it wont let you select that if you are using that repo.
so it is installed and ready for use. Again, we would not recommend using cooker for a stable distro if you do not know how to break and fix things. Just FYI