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Telegram-desktop starts, but crashes as soon as you try to use it.
Continua la discussione da What applications are missing in OpenMandriva Lx 5.0?:
Telegram-desktop starts, but crashes as soon as you try to use it.
I can confirm that telegram-desktop doesn’t work in virtual OpenMandriva on my hardware. Even the official version. But it (clean start) also doesn’t work (freezes) in ALT Linux (Vbox) and Xubuntu 22.04 (Real)! This is very strange, maybe it’s a hardware (OpenGL) issue. I took the working profile ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop from Xubuntu and moved it to OpenMandriva. And Telegram started to working in OpenMandriva. The version is 4.11.7 everywhere.
On Nov. 30, Telegram had a global outage. Maybe it’s related.
@artenaki New package telegram-desktop-4.12.2-1 built yesterday for ROME and Rock/5.0. There is hope that this build fixes the crashes some users are seeing. Please try this version and let us know.
@daraf too.
Adesso va un po’ meglio, nel senso che certe volte sembra funzionare un po’ prima di crashare, mentre prima crashava appena lo sfiorava il puntatore del mouse.
L’errore riportato è questo in calce
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "stateChanged"
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "connectivityChanged"
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "deviceTypeChanged"
qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" to "meteredChanged"
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
QWidget::render: Cannot render with an inactive painter
qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format check failed
qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format check failed
Errore di segmentazione (core dump creato)
rpm -q lib64Qt6SvgWidgets lib64Qt6Svg
One thing I am sure of is that I do not know enough to fix telegram-desktop
If telegram-desktop
is still crashing after installing the new version please open a bug report with a descriptive title and as much information as you can provide. Include all output not the output you think someone else needs. Include your omv-bug-report.log. Read this.
If a developer or package maintainer asks for more information please do that. If you do not know how to get the information ask and we will gladly help with that.
Hi there,
Just a quick poke to tell you I’ve just installed Telegram 4.12.2 from the rock-x86_64 repo because I needed it to comment on a blog I never used it before, I can confirm that everything is working fine with this release from a fresh install
Welcome back @peter-power-594.
I am sure if there really is any significant issue we will get a bug report.
Episode 6 : the return of Peter
Pretty sure about that, people & clients mostly complain when it’s not working much more than when it’s working So a little not to appreciate the current instant
Mandriver !
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