Set course for 3.03 release

Right click on Application Launcher Icon select only ‘Other icons’ and here is what you see:

and there isn’t the OpenMandriva button. ‘Other icons’ is populated by files in ‘usr/share/icons’ and the OM button is in that directory but for some reason it won’t display in this location. You should not have to put the path in the search bar in ‘Other Icons’ or use ‘Browse’ as it should display automatically like every other icon file in that directory should it not? And casual users or reviewers/testers may not know to tell KDE Menu Editor the path to where the icon hides.

In other words the issue is not that the icon does not exist, it clearly does. The issue is that it does not display in the KDE Menu Editor in the expected location ‘Other Icons’.

And it is confusing to me? There are .svg icons in other places in KDE Menu Editor why not in ‘Other Icons’? I can’t help but wonder why?

Admittedly this is a very minor issue that probably isn’t important or even notable to very many users.

Maybe that picker does not show the svg(s) images in “Other icons” first screen.
Actually I used “Browse”.
Imho it’s not a bug, because you may want to choose whatever icon you like/need by browsing, not only in root folders but also in your own user’s, for example.

Contributed page on oma-welcome is still buggy:

Screenshot here:

Tested with ISO #1420.

In terminal emulator inside dolphin the cursor is shifted with respect to the prompt

How to reproduce: just open dolphin and press F4 to open the integrated terminal emulator, then try to write a command.

Tested with ISO #1420.

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Not sure I understand. Seems working just like in Konsole.

Clicking on configure in Fcitx icon in system tray has any effect. The same with Tools > Input method (Fcitx) from menu. Fcitx can be only configured from ‘System Settings > Regional Settings > Input method’.

BTW fcitx-m17n misses dependency by m17n-db.

Now is working here too! But I saw this with all ISO I tested , even 3.00. Maybe does it happen only the first time? :confused:

I forgot to mention I tested on live system.

I would say yes if we are talking about ISO 1427. Do we have any users/testers testing ISO 1428?

EDIT: I see there is now an ISO 1431. What is difference between it and 1427? And will there be a companion i586 ISO?

I can see behavior you are talking about on ISO 1427.

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I think testers need @TPG’s communication about exactly which ISO build is/will be the candidate to test.


Ok clear.

Let’s say final ISOs are those which will be generated on upcoming sunday (2017-09-24).


So maybe it was already fixed in last ISO. I will try. :slight_smile:

After a recent update plymouth splash screen has gone in my vbox. Only dark splash with three dots is showed. The same with ISO 1427. :unamused: I tried to restore it with plymouth-set-default-theme -R OpenMandriva but without success. Also the splash screen at shut down is showed so the problem could be in boot process or in initrd.

After latest system update the default splash has come back! :slight_smile:

Without editing grub file?

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It worked the first time only, then nothing was showed, just a black screen. :disappointed:

So I tried to restore it with plymouth-set-default-theme -R OpenMandriva without success. Then I removed /boot/microcode.img from initrd at boot (I just edited command line at start) and the ugly dark screen with three dots appears. Finally I also modified splash=silent to splash and the official splash screen appeared again, even if I don’t fully understand why. :smile:

_postedit: only three dots one is showed again. :disappointed:

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I have the feeling that plymouth (or the associated process/es) is too quick and doesn’t find something loaded ready (graphic stuff).
The fact that it is shown only the first time, might be because the first time the process take a bit more time for dunnowhat reason - and it does not happen the subsequent times as the relevant adjustment is already in place.
I’m not able to explain better, also it’s just a feeling of myself.
Disclaimer: as I’m not a technician at all, all this may also be totally wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, imho plymouth is - or it became - too much hard to have it properly working. Personally I’d prefer to get rid of it, if it cannot be fixed, and see the plain console with text output. But it’s jus my own opinion.

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splash=verbose does this.

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Yep, I think that I’ll use this until plymouth behaviour is fixed. This randomness is frustrating :upside_down_face:
Last try, I’m going to test my openmandriva-elegant plymouth theme and see if the things go better.

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Possible small change in Calamares should ‘Known Issues’ go to ‘Errata’ page instead of ‘New’ page?

Should ‘Errata’ page be subtitled as ‘Known Issues’ or renamed to same?

Also still need some work on wiki pages. For instance ‘New’ page is empty. Is ‘Errata’ up to date?