ROME major upgrade instructions (2024-05-22)


Edit: We depend on and deeply appreciate the feedback we get from users, good or bad. Those who communicate with us help make OpenMandriva Lx a better distro.

  • OpenMandriva Lx version:

ROME/rolling (ROME is the release name, ROME uses rolling repositories)

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):

:warning: Important: Do not use Discover or dnfdragora to do this. Will not work, will lead to problems.

These are instructions for Plasma5 and Plasma6 (only if you already have a P6 system, most of you will not). These are not instructions for upgrading from Plasma5 to Plasma6. If you want to use ROME Plasma6 it is strongly, hugely, majorly, advised to do a fresh install for Plasma6. Building and testing new ROME Plasma6 isos is in progress, it may be 1-5 days before these are ready for prime time.

For LXQt users it is strongly, hugely, majorly, advised to do a fresh install for LXQt 2.0. We will post upgrade instructions for LXQt after we have tested, but be smart and do a fresh install. The LXQt instructions will involve more steps to upgrade properly. Building and testing new ROME LXQt isos is in progress, it may be 1-7 days before these are ready for prime time.

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

Major upgrade of Plasma5 — Plasma 5.27.11, KDE Frameworks 5.116.0, Qt 5.15.12, kernel-6.9.1

Major upgrade of Plasma6 — Plasma 6.0.4, KDE Frameworks 6.2.0, Qt 6.7.0, kernel-6.9.1

Major upgrade of LXQt from 1.4 to 2.0, plus switch from openbox window manager to plasma6-kwin, Qt 6.7.0, kernel-6.9.1 and new OM configs

Plus a lot more upgraded system packages

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

To upgrade a Plasma5 (or Plasma6) ROME system:

The steps (in order):


sudo dnf clean all

sudo sh -c "echo keepcache=True >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf"

With this command you avoid emptying the cache and therefore having to unnecessarily download the mass of packages again if something needs to be corrected.

If you have it, do:

sudo rpm -e --noscripts spice-vdagent

sudo dnf rm falkon-kde kio-kcm_trash

The distribution upgrade or dsync:

sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync 2>&1 | tee rome-dsync.log.txt

Don’t add any clean all or --refresh. If it is necessary to repeat the command, remember to make a backup or add a progressive number, for example:

sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync 2>&1 | tee rome-dsync2.log.txt

The goal is not to overwrite the log files in case they are needed for problem solving.

If you are using ROME in Qemu emulator:

sudo dnf install spice-vdagent

Remove no longer needed packages previously installed as dependencies:

sudo dnf autoremove 2>&1 | tee rome-autoremove.log.txt

Restore the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file using some editor like Kate or in terminal nano or vim:

You can delete the inserted line, or comment it by adding a hash sign like this:

# keepcache=True

Note: These commands:

sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync 2>&1 | tee rome-dsync.log.txt


sudo dnf autoremove 2>&1 | tee rome-autoremove.log.txt

Create the obvious .log files which you can post in this forum or in OM Issues if you encounter some problem. You will want to have the log files if you post about a problem.

Author Edit: The steps are accurate to the best of my knowledge at this time. If a user has added a lot of software or done a lot of system configs they may encounter difficulty. This has been tested on default systems with no extra software installed using rolling/main/release repos only and no configuration done. So if you do encounter issue you may consider to disable any and all 3rd party repositories, disable any unsupported, restricted, or non-free OM repositories and try again. We test this the way we do because:

  1. We can not predict what users may or may not do or add to their systems
  2. The purpose is to upgrade the operating system, upgrading changes a user may have made is the users responsibility. If you do have problems post with the .log.txt files and we will do our best to help.

Does it mean the expected major upgrade or we must still wait for ?

For ROME LXQt users it is strongly advised to do a fresh installation
from new ROME LXQt isos
. If you persit in trying to upgrade the
following might work IF you have not installed a lot of other
software. If you follow these steps and still encounter issues
then do a fresh install. Do a fresh install or be prepared to deal
with problems for some time after install

ROME LXQt 2.0 x86_64 ISO (Build ID #3083)

ROME LXQt 2.0 znver1 ISO (Build ID #3084)

Assumes a recently upgraded ROME LXQt system. Test done on a very
plain, default installation from ROME LXQt iso 3048 with no
other packages installed. However we do not recommend doing
this upgrade. A fresh install is strongly advised.

Remember this important rule: Do not store any data you want
to keep on any system partion. You will lose it eventually.
This applies to any operating system not just Linux operating

The steps (do them in order presented):

sudo dnf clean all

sudo sh -c "echo keepcache=True >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf"

With this command you avoid emptying the cache and therefore having to unnecessarily download the mass of packages again if something needs to be corrected.

sudo rpm -e --noscripts spice-vdagent

sudo dnf rm falkon-kde kio-kcm_trash

sudo dnf swap breeze plasma6-breeze

sudo rpm -e --nodeps lib64KF5Screen

sudo dnf swap libkscreen plasma6-libkscreen

sudo dnf --allowerasing dsync 2>&1 | tee rome-dsync.log.txt

If you are running ROME LXQt in Qemu:

sudo dnf install spice-vdagent

sudo dnf in plasma6-kwin-x11 (Do not forget this)

sudo dnf autoremove 2>&1 | tee rome-autoremove.log.txt


This has been tested on a default install (no other packages installed) from most recent ROME LXQt iso #3001 and tested on an older ROME LXQt system installed from older iso #2311.

One more time. If you do all this and still encounter issues do
a fresh install

Optional: To use the new OM customizations do this:

sudo dnf swap breeze-gtk plasma6-breeze-gtk

sudo dnf swap sddm plasma6-sddm

Here you need to enter a VT and login and:

sudo systemctl enable sddm

sudo systemctl start sddm

sudo dnf in plasma6-sddm-theme-breeze plasma6-qqc2-breeze-style

sudo nano /etc/sddm.conf

and change:




mv ~/.config/lxqt ~/.config/lxqt.bak


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