ROME major upgrade expected


ROME users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling (ROME) started.
We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.
Stay tuned.

Because of the significant upgrade this time, please:

- read carefully the notes posted above in this same topic

- start the upgrade process from console command which can create the transaction full log, example

sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; dnf repolist
sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync 2>&1| tee dsync-log.txt

Properly report issues

Should you encounter any problem, console displaying conflicts errors or any weird message hold on trying to upgrade; open a new topic with a descriptive title in Support category and attach the full dsync-log.txt file. Not an excerpt, not a summary, not what you think is relevant. The full log means all the log :wink:
Chance are that the testers already faced the issue and found a fix or a workaround.