Rolling major upgrade

Rolling users attention please:
The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling will start soon.
We suggest to refrain to update the system or install software until it’s finished.

We’ll keep you informed when it will be the time to perform distro-sync again.

The command that you will have to run in console is:
sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf --best --allowerasing distro-sync

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the cooker test users, like me, could go back to rolling then?

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Yes. Unless unexpected events will arise.
More info to come. We’ll test the process first.

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Rolling users attention please:

The process to copy cooker repositories to rolling started!

Not the best time to upgrade or install anything :wink:
As usual, we’ll keep you informed.


This has happened. ROME (Rolling) users see this.

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Yes, your guide save my system before. I learned my lesson and checked the forum before attempting the upgrade.


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Rolling users attention please:

There is a major upgrade today (2023-01-12). The process of uploading the packages to the mother mirror is complete and it should be OK to upgrade.

The main upgrades are to Qt5 5.15.8, KFrameworks 5.101.0-2, and Plasma Desktop 5.26.5-1. These needed to be upgraded at the same time.

:warning: :warning: :warning: Remind: