Reset root or user password

Tested in Rock but this should work on any current OMLx system. It may work on older OMLx systems also.

If you have lost or forgotten a user or root passwd boot your system to the Grub Menu and press the e key to edit. Navigate to the line that says linux and go to where it has ro (means read only) and change that to rw, for read write, we have to have write privlages to do this. You have to have rw in the linux line for this to work. Then continue to the end of the line and add this init=/bin/bash so we boot to a shell. Press F10 key and you should boot to a root (#) prompt. To reset password for a user:

# passwd user_name

Or for root:

# passwd root

In either case it asks you to type the new password and then retype the password. It then tells you if password was successfully changed or not.

Then to exit this shell:

# exec /sbin/init

This may boot directly in to your operating system or it may return you to the Grub Menu. Either should be OK. In either case you want to test that your new password works ASAP just to be safe.

Note: One may use whatever shells are installed like /bin/sh or /bin/dash rather than /bin/bash if one so chooses.

If you should have any questions about the material presented here please make a post with a descriptive title in one of our Support forums or contact the contributor team at OpenMandriva Chat. Do not forget that you can do internet search when you have problems with your OMLx system.


Grub2 Menu after selecting the first entry in the list and pressing e to edit:

Edit like this:

System boots to # prompt then set password as shown:

The last line shows the command to exit this shell:

Do test your new password ASAP just to be sure. Remember:

To reset root password:

# passwd root

To reset a user password:

# passwd user_name