Qt-Creator 15rc1 on ROME: undefined symbol in libUtils.so.14


  • OpenMandriva Lx version: 24.12

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): KDE

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

When trying to launch Qt Creator 15 rc1, Qt Creator does not launch. When run from the command line, it shows an error about a missing symbol in libUtils.so.14. Full error message below.

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

Error message:

qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/qtcreator/libUtils.so.14: undefined symbol: _ZN19QAbstractFileEngine14beginEntryListERK7QString6QFlagsIN4QDir6FilterEERK5QListIS0_E, version Qt_6_PRIVATE_API

Name : qt-creator
Version : 15.0.0
Release : 0.rc1.1
Architecture : x86_64
From repo : rolling-x86_64

Am I just missing a dependency that should have been installed, or is this a packaging bug?

Have you seen and tried the recommendation in this thread?

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Welcome @superfly and @mKay.

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The Problem is confirmed in both Cooker and ROME. I started a new cooker build to see if this is just a new dependency issue. We should know later today. Also informed developers in OM-Chat.

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Great stuff, thanks!

qt-creator-15.0.0-0.rc1.2 built in Cooker, installs and opens. I do not use this so beyond it opening I do not know. I am backporting this to rolling repositories will let you know when it is in repos,

Thanks! I’ll test it out once it’s uploaded, and let you know.

qt-creator-15.0.0-0.rc1.2 published to rolling repos. Should be available in mirrors in a few hours if not sooner. I have not tested it in ROME yet but there was no harm in publishing given it works in Cooker and the current package in ROME does not work at all.

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I just installed Qt Creator in ROME, and it works, woohoo! Thanks @ben79 !

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Thanks for reporting the issue and thanks for the feedback. It helps.

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