Polish Translation

Oki, ja będę jakoś wieczorem, po 18. Na razie praca. Potrzeba jakichś szczególnych uprawnień na transifex, czy tylko konto i zalogowanie?


Konto i zalogowanie i to tyle.
Zalogowałem się przez gmail.

Jedno co ci mogę powiedzieć to kopiuj oryginalny string i dopiero tłumacz, żeby czegoś nie popsuć. Samo narzędzie funkcjonalne … ale paskudne.

Ps Tydzień temu sam nie wiedziałem, że istnieje takie coś jak transiffex


I’m American, so I can’t help at all, but I am so thrilled to see multiple Polish users just show up and jump in with both feet to help out. It’s awesome. This is what Linux is supposed to be like. :trophy:


As for today 2025 02 16 there is 4,425 strings to be translated (in to Polish) 524 strings to be reviewed (already translated in to Polish)

I do my best to avoid errors mistakes and bad links. Yet they for sure exist somewhere in the translation if any native Polish speaker would be willing to duble check my work it would be greatly appreciated

You cant see your own mistakes
Also I know that translation goes slow but I cant work any faster

Na dzień dzisiejszy 2025 02 16 jest 4,425 ciągów do przetłumaczenia (na język polski) 524 ciągi do przejrzenia (już przetłumaczone )

Staram się unikać błędów np nieprawidłowe linki itd. Jednak na pewno gdzieś tam się kryją w tłumaczeniu, jeśli ktokolwiek z mówiących tu po polsku ludzi byłby skłonny do sprawdzenia mojej pracy, byłbym wdzięczny.

Własnych błędów się nie widzi.
Wiem, że tłumaczenie idzie powoli, ale nie jestem wstanie pracować szybciej

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I must drop my translation efforts for a while.
Family member is sick badly. Im operating in a huge sleep deprivation mode from more then a week. Im constantly tired / exhausted. I will get back to translation when everything back o normal.
Sorry guys I promised that I translate everything and I will keep the promise.
But now I must focused on what really matters


Family is more important.
@grafi take care.


I do a little translation from time to time. @grafi Take a rest my friend.


That’s terrible news. Sorry to hear it, @grafi. Family is definitely more important. We look forward to seeing you back here soon.

Hi, I did some additional polish translations and finished what was left to do in om-welcome, but it turns out that headings in almost all sub-tabs of Features tab are unavailable for translation. How to go about that issue?

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Welcome! We are happy to see you and hope you feel at home here.

Thanks for jumping in here and working on translations. It means a lot to new users.

Thanks, it’s good to be here :smiley:


Because they are almost all names. Maybe “Web Browser” is the one missing.

Thanks for your answer :smiley:
There are also multiple instances of “OpenMandriva application” with application name translated next to it in the same heading.

What about “DnfDrake/lang/source/dnfdrake-TTP-en_US.txt (main)”, is this supposed to be translated too? There are multiple strings with underscores, related to user interface, but the translations file seems like generated from string names instead of their values.
DnfDrake pl

Yes don’t worry about these files, you can let them untouched for now.
I’d say just look at the About and the simplest ones.
Thank you.