Hi @WeirdGnome im not trying to be picky or trying to argue
67 Backup your data with an easy to use user interface
Stwórz kopię zapasową swoich danych za pomocą łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika
67Backup your data with an easy to use user interface
Stwórz kopię zapasową danych za pomocą łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika
I know it is translated 1:1 from English and its perfectly fine, but 67
Stwórz kopię zapasową swoich danych za pomocą łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika
it not that commonly used as the second version
Stwórz kopię zapasową danych za pomocą łatwego w obsłudze interfejsu użytkownika
Yes both are perfectly correct. Both are perfectly understandable.
It is all matter of a preference and how both versions sound for once ear.
Second version sound better for me yet it does not mean it is objectively better
Przerzucam się na polski.
Jeszcze jest parę tego typu linijek, natomiast poważnie się zastanawiam nad zasadnością moich
powiedzmy z braku lepszego słowa “zastrzeżeń”
To co pisze, może wynikać z tego, że napisałem się w życiu różniastych manuali i procedur postępowania. Zwłaszcza te drugie piszę się w sposób uciążliwie szczegółowy, jednocześnie jak najprostszymi zdaniami. Mam więc dość poważne skrzywienie w tej materii
No offense taken. I’ve tried to be as close to the original as possible You can always polish the translation if you think it should be improved. I have done my part and you can take it further.
@WeirdGnome your part is more than very much appreciated!
If you did not start it we would still have a Polish translation not finished.
Fine-tuning can always come later if any need.
So, Thanks a lot
@rugyada Sorry for directly bothering you but i do not now to whom I can turn to
we have something like this: Log in · Transifex <–direct link to my issue
in a line 12 of this we have
The text string is irrelevant I have issue with the element in the red bracket. How to approach this kind of things in a future? Is it a regular expression? If yes, how to create them properly?
Copying and pasting produce an error.
Again sorry for bothering you. But I prefer to ask even a stupid question instead break something on a site.
bdw things that will be translate by user spockbrain will be translated by me
No problem. I’m happy you stepped in @grafi . I can learn C meanwhile you’re doing the translations. If you guys need my help with anything just tag me and I gonna respond as fast as possible.
Whatever you find that it’s not colloquial (so needing translation) just click the copy source string icon.
Same goes for commands, links, and the likes
Hi good People. A little bit guidance needed.
Let’s say I translate a given tekst
It is recommended that you read the latestrelease noteson our wiki.
I translated it in to Mocno zalecane jest przeczytanie najnowszychrelease notesna naszej stroni wiki.
What concerns me is the following [release notes] in brackets.
This is some form of regular expression that must be left alone for the sake of site stability.
Is there a way to translate it in to polish equivalent of [release notes] which literally means [nota do wydania]
Second question is there any way to live changes of the text im translating to.
The reason im asking is simple. I hate to ask repetitive and quite frankly basic questions.
If I can view live what my action does to a site i would not ask so many question
If I understand correctly what you ask, it should be:
**Mocno zalecane jest przeczytanie najnowszych** [nota do wydania](https://wiki.openmandriva.org/releases/omlx42/alpha/notes) **na naszej stroni wiki**.
Replace the content in brackets with your colloquial translation.
Keep the link as is, just remove the /en part from it.
Thanks for your work.
I would suggest to translate first the most recent pages. While it may be useful to have the older one translated as well, I’d say priority is to the newer ones (ROME, and 5.0 which soon will become 6.0 hence many strings may be the same.
Again, use copy the source to minimize mistakes and make your changes there
I would love to translate most recent things but because I hav never used .transifex before,
I have no clue what should i open first index?? Translated already by @AngryPenguin
Wiki? Which branch. For an noobie translator it is a freaking mess. Not the language is the problem but the layout of a tool.
Hi, I just joined to transifex. I’ll help with translations to polish. I am not yet familiar with the transifex tool, but I will familiarize with it
Cześć, dołączyłem do transifex, mogę pomagać w tłumaczeniach. Nie miałem jeszcze styczności z transifex, ale spróbuję to rozgryźć.
Super to jest nas do tego dwóch a jest tego sporo . Zarówno rzeczy nowych , jak i powiedzmy historycznych.
Dobra jak już jestem za klawiaturą to coś tam potłumaczę. Jak jest nas dwóch to pójdzie szybciej.
Jak trafisz na jakieś błędy tłumaczenia, popraw i tyle. Ma transifexie mój nick spockbrain