Hi all! Yesterday I’ve done some editing and translating on Transifex, I edited the Polish language. Could someone verify if all is done good and well or if something I missed translating?? I never have done things like this and never used Transifex before. cheers
Welcome and thank you for helping out. We do have someone that can check it out.
@grafi is the only other person I can think of that speaks Polish.
Thanks. The translation should be ok. I’m more worried if all is translated because the interface is rather confusing.
Thank you.
It was not planned right now but I will update om-welcome so to include the latest translations.
Thanks. gonna check after update if everything is good and well
Thank you! It looks good and all is translated now. There are some small tweaks I would like to make so it all looks more professional.
@WeirdGnome Cool!
Would you please translate to the plain (pl) transifex?
I’d like to remove the other one.
Also, the translation will have your name as the last translator.
We appreciate the help so much.
Sure. Thanks. I really enjoyed doing this.
Okay. I did some changes to the (pl) version. Corrected some spelling errors and made some tweaks to wording. The om-welcome is now fully translated to polish. What should I translate next?
Thank you very much.
The important translation are done, as far as I can see it.
As for the wiki, we are discussing about the best way to proceed.
Okey. If you gonna need my help with translations then just let me know.
Wheere i can view the translated file. Gdzie podejrzeć ten plik
You can also get to it from the Welcome app.
Ive seen the file. Translaton is good. I feels kinda generic maby artificial in few palces but it is overall good.
There are only few sattle things feels strange (do not feel organic) but there are no errors whatsoever. So If any other native Polish speaker red this translation then he may or may not find it strangre in few places
A do not know if it is made by human or transator. But that transation from english to polish is a light year ahead of any of my english skiills spoken or written
@WeirdGnome has credits there.