OMLx 4.0 Alpha1 candidate ISO passed QA check and released

This is the plan (for final release or sooner) :wink:
Currently: WIP.

Yes, it is good practice to do a fresh install.

Issue covered in Errata.
Workaround is alt+F2 and soon after alt+F1
That should do the trick.

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Install entry works (unless anyone else confirm otherwise).
You just need to wait, or apply alt+F2/alt+F1 workaround covered in Errata

Auto login is set by default in live mode. So if you run the ISO in live mode and you are lead straight to the desktop, then autologin is working :grin:

Thanks for the report.

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By the way, in Errata one reads that grub is accessed via TAB while in fact it is accessed typing ā€œEā€ as in the menu in the bottom ā€¦


You mean in Release Notes I think.

I know grub can be edited by typing E key indeed, donā€™t know if also by TAB.

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Great to hear! :man_dancing::tada:

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In fact, keyboards localization can be made via systemsettings in live mode. I did it.


I thought @Giorgio was speaking of the same as you, but maybe itā€™s not related :thinking:

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Canā€™t install on VirtualBox. Calamares stalls at ā€œUnsquash filesystem.ā€, 24%.

Not enough information for anyone to do anything with. One thing to try is to run Calamares (the installer) from Konsole and put the Konsole output in a .txt file and post that file here. To run Calamares in debug mode form Konsole:

$ pkexec /usr/bin/calamares -d

While you are waiting for it to install you can also look in lower lefthand corner where it says ā€œDebug Informationā€ and click on that and see if anything in there tells us anything useful.

We need to get to some kind of error so you may have to wait for installation to time out. If it ever will time out, donā€™t really know about that. If it hasnā€™t installed after an hour stop it and post what output you have.

Make sure your download is ok (checksum matches etc.) ā€“ this could be an attempt to uncompress a corrupted file.


When OM LX 4.0 will be assigned to a repository apart from cooker and when will it be possible to install and update it as rolling release?

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I meant without making another fresh installation ā€¦

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I guess Iā€™m sending confusing messages, sorry.

I would like to know when there will be a OM LX 4.0 iso that can be installed and updated as a rolling release?

Final release will be published when weā€™ll decide that itā€™s mature enough and quality ready to go (you know, the stuff is ready when itā€™s ready ;-)).
With regard to rolling release or not, itā€™s under consideration and the last decision will be made at time of final release.

We keep saying thatā€™s always better to perform a fresh install because in cooker the things come and go, as itā€™s supposed to be a development environment.
The good quality of Alpha1 though let us convinced that it can just improve.

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Finally decided to install (instead of using in live mode) OM LX 4.0 alpha1. Here it comes the question what filesystem, partitions to use?
Iā€™ve read this:
Choosing the Best Linux Filesystem for Your SSD - Make Tech Easier

Does anybody have something to recommend for a 480GB SSD + 1 TB SSHD (HDD witth a 8GB SSD for caching/memory)?


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I use XFS on my SSDā€™s and Nvmeā€™s ā€¦ as well on all NAS magnetic drivers I have.

SSHD is Linux is a normal magnetic disk all caching is done from internal HDD firmware.

Anyway ext4 , btrfs will work fine too ā€¦ I donā€™t have good experiences with f2fs , at least on my setups.

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Note: As candidate build ID 2348 has been released Alpha1 I edit the topic title so that we can continue discussion properly.

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The fonts look like stretched.
The icon looks wrong.
I donā€™t find the icon for closing current document (bug or feature? :slight_smile: )

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First time not using gparted and with so many different options for partitioning/file system.

I have noticed that if choose ā€œerase diskā€ at partitioning step, the proposed partitioning has a 1MB free space + EFI System + OpenMandriva + SWAP. I would not like to have this Swap partition and then would like to use manual partitioning. The point is that I was not able to create this 1MB free space in the manual partitioning option. Is it recommended to have this 1MB area? If yes, how to create it? The closer I got to it was a 8MB undefined partition ā€¦


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Donā€™t worry about this. People create /boot/efi partitions with Manual Partitioning all the time and it works. /boot/efi does have to be the first partition on the drive. I always create a 300MB fat32 partition with flags for boot and esp for /boot/efi. Like this:

Post-edit: As far as what file system to use I donā€™t believe most users could tell what file system they are using. I think any of ext4, xfs, btrfs, or f2fs would work fine for a SSD. f2fs is designed only for flash storage devices such as SSDā€™s and should not be used for conventional HDā€™s.