New installation (ROME 23.08)

Welcome to OpenMandriva and our forum. This forum is for users of OpenMandriva Linux operating systems.

We are a small group. All the contributors and developers here are unpaid volunteers.

You are welcome to talk to our developers at OpenMandriva Chat.

The first thing when a new user has an issue is to look in the documentation for OMLx. OpenMandriva wiki and Forum Resources guide.

If you don’t find what you are looking for try an Internet search (googling). One can find out a lot from documentation or forum posts at other Linux distros. If user finds something written for another distro but you have some doubt ask at OpenMandriva Chat.

For serious technical issues and package/feature requests please file a bug report here.

There is Flapak support but not Snapper. Do not see anything in Wiki or Resources Index regarding Samba or NFS. That would mean someone from community needs to step up and write those.

Here is a helpful hint: How to post code as code in OpenMandriva forum posts.

Also I changed your forum trust level so you can post screen-shots.