My experience with OM so far

Here is my experience with OM so far. Maybe it helps someone when starting.
Any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and advice is welcomed :wink:

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good video, I agree with the download of the image and probably ventoy since a lot of people use it when starting, now all the things related to packaging are easy to solve, adding new packages has been pretty easy and the devs work really fast on it.

Now the Plasma issues, most of them are due to Wayland probably since the wayland version has not so much work done, X11 I have not found any issues, I would have to agree with the devs on this end, wayland is not there yet.

Oh stop usig wayland as excuse :smiley: Most of this was recorded on X11 :smiley:

I used wayland for well over the year now, and I had no problems with it, I just didin’t use it on OM.

Talk is cheap, show me the code

Feel free to provide patch or stop sharing FUD.

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I have seen a lot of very spirited posts on here about wayland users and their eye candy. I invite you to look at this:

Our version of wayland is 1.22.0 on Rock (stable)
Ubuntu’s version of wayland is 1.0.0 on their short term release
We are one minor version behind Fedora 41/Rawhide at 1.23.0 which is more financially invested in wayland working and has a lot more money and resources to test and develop it than we do.

I will say it again, “Our version of wayland is 1.22.0 on Rock (stable)”

While I’m sure your video was great for people that enjoy surface level information, I will bet you never allowed your viewers to understand this comparison.

This is clearly the first time you have heard this comparison made.


Now I will tell you this from pure user perspective, so don’t take it personal nor as me being disrespectful.

As a “normal” user, I really don’t care about version or technical stuff beneath the programs. I just want to run my programs and I want to run them “out of the box”. I don’t need to know who has what or how they are doing it. But if I see the same thing that is used with lets say by Bob and by Jill, and Bob has problems and Jill hasn’t than clearly it’s not a product fault, but rather the persons who provided them with a product.

As a system administrator for many years, I can tell you the experience that I will never forget and how I see programmers. We had a website that was back in the day on 2 servers and they were struggling hard, even crashing. And programmer was always blaming us administrators for “bad setup”. Than the company changed the firm that was managing the software on those servers, and in the first day they changed something in the code and not only that servers didn’t struggle, but the whole site could be run on just one server and it was barely utilized. And that was not the only example.

So information that they are on this or that version means nothing to me if even distros that are on lower version have the same thing working. Not only that, but if you are on such a high version why is everything so buggy like you say?

But don’t forget, Fedora was on the version that you are now a lot before you were, and I’m sure a lot lower version over the last year, so if the version number matters to you, you shouldn’t still have excuse wayland is buggy or still not ready because, like I said a few times already, I’ve been using waylnad for over a year and I didn’t have problems until I used it in OM. So clearly you are doing something different than everybody else, which is not bad thing itself, but when you lose on functionality because of it, you might want to take a peak at what everybody else is doing and not blame the product for your “mistakes”.

And all my videos are made for complete beginners, because if you want teach people something you start with the basics and make it as easy as possible. I learned that when you show people how to start, they will expand on that on their own and come back when they have more questions that they can’t easily find. And I have no problems making simpler or “harder” videos, I just think technical stuff is boring to somebody who just wants to see how things work and what to expect if they decide to try something.

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We do not have enough people to make this happen for you or anyone else at this time. We were hoping new people would help us achieve that. If you need something more solid with wayland eye candy, then it sounds like you need Fedora and you admit that as well. Not offended, just being honest. You expect a lot from a small project. It doesn’t look like OM is mature enough for you yet. If you don’t want to help us achieve that, there are no hard feelings about that. It might just be better to stick with a distro that was curated for your use case.


Well that’s where you re wrong :slight_smile: Just because I make videos for “normal users” doesn’t mean I don’t have my preferences and reasons why I use this or that :slight_smile: After all, I would use windows or mac if the only thing that I wanted is for things to “just work”.

I’m making a video why I use distro that I use, but don’t have that much time so it will take a while, but you might watch just to better understand… well… maybe just me :slight_smile:

And I see a lot of small projects that want to do a lot but don’t have the men power, so they do a lot of thing superficially, and not one thing well… maybe you should reconsider what you want to be done and what you can actually do with the men power and time that you all have.

I will give you just an example, nothing else, so don’t give excuses they this or that, just an example.

If you go to Arco linux, and if they are not lying about the men power on their site , there is only three of them “managing” the distro. And Erik records video daily about how to do things on Arco. Clearly not needing to package everything again by them self they save a lot of time and people needed, but they do a lot of things on their own, mostly to make it easier for users to use linux. In my opinion they wanted something else that others are not offering, they saw what they can do and adjusted to the situation.

Now clearly you don’t want that, and that is ok, but maybe be realistic on what you can done with skill, time and men power you have and “cut back” on some things, just so you could do some other things better.

I don’t think you should be telling other people what they should do when your level of involvement thus far has been to criticize what you see on the surface, and argue with the same people you criticize as to monopolize time that you state we are not applying properly given our size. That is called circular logic, which is an indicator that you have nothing more to offer this conversation and will probably continue to just be argumentative. You should probably just move along.


See, now you just completely misunderstood what I was saying, I wasn’t criticizing I was just suggesting. I don’t monopolize anybody’s time, I give suggestions, and other people decide if they want to spend their time on even reading the suggestions, let alone do something that I say. After all, I’m just a random person on the internet doing my thing, just as you are.

But if you want me to move along, no problem, that is the easiest thing to do in the world, but that is not how you get people to stay that just wanted to help.


Wow, here is another one lecturing others how to do things he never did.

Since it looks like your main purpose is to waste anyone’s time, I really hope nobody will reply you anymore and you be just happily ignored.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
hahahahaha. Nice joke! :+1:


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mmm no I was not using as an excuse, as I said before OM does not have enough wayland users so the development of OM wayland version does not has that much work done, after that I said I agree with the devs on the points made why X11 still better than wayland.

I have two AMD PCs here running Wayland sessions and I see no problems with either one. Wayland has come a LONG way in the past 2 years. The devs are actively working on it and we really can’t ask for more than that.

My only Wayland problems were because of my Nvidia card. Once I actually read the documentation that said there would be problems I switched to x11 and did not have problems. Just the usually hanging when using the OM Welcome which is remedied. Y just using the terminal and dnf


Wayland on my 10 year old laptop works great, aside from copy/paste. All criticism is constructive criticism, as users are pointing out pain points that we encounter. I’m sure that all of you developers have a similar set of issues that you run into, but the new influx of casual users likely have a wildly different use case or workflow leading us to find other issues. And as non-developers, meaning many of us can code about as well as we can speak Swahili, the only way we can meaningfully contribute is to tell you what we are running into. Although I fully understand how it probably soumds like a bunch of strangers showing up and insulting your years-long passion project.


Nah… We are grown-up enough to distinguish constructive feedbacks from insulting :wink:


And you get to see some of each. :rofl:

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Lee, I disabled the clipboard in the system tray and that was a functional workaround till they get it fixed.

Yes, expected. But it does not mean we are going to tolerate the latter.
Respect is due to everyone.

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