That looks like either corrupted media or a corrupted download. I get this sometimes if I download using a browser downloader instead of downloading in terminal. Or sometimes this just happens for reasons I can not explain. To download ISO’s I always check checksum files and I use this:
Since build 230 is what we have up on SourceForge I just tested it:
Fresh download using aria2c
Check checksums - OK
Used ISO Image Writer to copy .iso file to a flash drive
Boot Legacy and UEFI on Ryzen5 desktop and boot UEFI on ASUS X550C notebook - OK in all instances (noting whether login sound works, it did)
Connect to wifi - OK in all instances
Open Calamares installer and navigate to the page where my partitions are listed - OK in all instances
Check that a few things in Application Menu and OM-Welcome open.
In recent history we have not been seeing any problems with installing in “normal” circumstances. So it is believed to be most likely that installing would not be a problem.
The build 275 ISO @rugyada posted and the most recent Rolling/Lx 4.3RC ISO build 347 have undergone the same testing and were also OK.