Lunduke sent me

I can’t say I had ever heard of Lunduke until he came crashing into the Mastodon instance I use like a thunderclap. Since he was a cancel culture refugee I knew he must be right about something so I started watching his content and here I am.

I’ve been using Linux since 2006 or so. The beginnings of Ubuntu. I had no idea what Linux was before then but I loved using that LiveCD at school to boot up and bypass whatever hardware, software or network restrictions were in place lol!

In the beginning I distro-hopped every couple weeks it seemed. I definitely remember Mandriva as my first experience with KDE. What a treat that was compared to Gnome2.

I’ve tried everything from classics like Puppy, Knoppix, TinHat, OpenSuse, Springdale and Arch to modern and ecentric distros like Venom, Void, Devuan, and Artix.

Eventually I settled on Mint for many years now. I liked the Cinnamon desktop and I grew tired of the “power user” style setup from near scratch process of some distros or the reverse process of stripping back crap you don’t need from others.

I was getting worried about wokeness in Linux around 2018-2019, mostly based around the online ravings of Linus himself about political opinions and certain realities of nature and later, one specific contagion.

I was involved briefly in 2021/22 with OpenSuse until someone dared to question the use of a symbol in their public discord/telegram/matrix channel image. They were told to buzz off and join the Russian channel if they were going to be so terrible. My contributions fell off shortly afterwards.

Luckily Mint stayed clear of all that as far as I could tell. Their Discord is moderated by wokesters and did the same thing OpenSuse did a year later. Though the man in charge of Mint has never used the project as a soapbox for political or SJW type messaging that I have seen. Who knows how long that can last.

Anyways, now I’m dabbling with OM to see what it’s all about. Technically it’s just Linux with a different DE and package manager than I’m used to but philosophically, I think, the people who surround OM are of a similar mindset to myself which makes it unique. Who knew a non-partisan, merit based environment could appeal to so many folks?



OM tl;dr:

- Focus on OpenMandriva distribution and on code. Keep your personal beliefs, political convictions and all the likes for you: we don’t care who or what you are.
- Treat everyone with respect, just like you want the others to treat you.
- Have fun!


Welcome to OpenMandriva.

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Welcome! We are glad to see you here. We hope you will come to call this place home. I know I did. Speaking of Mastodon, I hang out over at Lunduke’s place and we have yet to find a hornet’s nest that he won’t kick. :rofl:

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Welcome to OM!

I am sure you will appreciate your stay.

Leftism sucks. Let’s do good code and be based instead.



Thank you!

I stuck with Linux because I could do what I want and it left me alone. It seems like most projects can’t do that anymore. It’s the principle that I care about, not left or right, that’s why I’m here.

What I would hate to see is OM become known as the “right wing” distro but somehow trying to be non-political is now seen as a political alignment.

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That’s a good nerd. A very good nerd!

Welcome to OpenMandriva! Your story is similar to mine and I think you’ll fit in just fine around here. I was an openSUSE user since version 11.0 and I was forced out by their crazed wokeness a couple of years ago. Sad. But, if not for that, I would not have discovered OMLx.

OMLx is definitely not a right-wing distro. It’s simply a distro that focuses on good software, good support and a friendly community. And I suspect no one here would like OMLx to be categorized as right-wing. When you really get down to it, how can software be political anyway? Either it works or it doesn’t.

See you around!

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