I guess it is because meld has never been rebuild in OpenMandriva ABF. How should I proceed in this case?
the best way to proceed in this case is to go to the github of opendriva Association
and then you look for the project. (Find a repository …)
with a search with “meld” you have two responses
you can fork meld in your github
I pushed meld 3.16.1 in file store (fe003ba49433a735713bf93f06994e480b45384d )
see here GitHub - joeltess/meld
with no change except version I tried a build with no success. the reason is at least the spec file use make ! (very old version in fact)
so you have to change spec file
for build something like
CFLAGS=“%{optflags}” python setup.py build
for install something like
%{__python} setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --install-purelib=%{python_sitelib}
I have no time to go further. it is best to take inspiration from a spec file of a python 2 module
good luck
log in into abf, then project like this
you see your project, choose settings of the project you want change
push red erase button
about your bug https://issues.openmandriva.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1772
I use qupzilla always and I have not this problem
maybe a cache problem
try this adress ABF
Thank you. I did so.
In this case my ABF repo has not been synchronized with my github account. (Is is not a problem, I’ll wait for the fist build)
I erased null project from my ABF account but the packages I built are still in my personal repo.
log in > platforms choose the platform ( mandian_personal), in right corner choose main (or other)
click on the cross you want
It is all OK now.
Thank you for all your patience.
Command failed:
# [‘/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia’, ‘–xml-info=never’, ‘–urpmi-root’, ‘/var/lib/mock-urpm/openmandriva-x86_64/root/’, ‘luca_personal_main_release’, ‘http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/luca_personal/repository/3.0/x86_64/main/release’]
adding medium “luca_personal_main_release”
…retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 22
I’ve got an error building a project in my personal repo.
http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/luca_personal/repository/3.0 is missing.
Who can create it?
Thanks in advance.
question waiting on IRC. I hope an answer
@jojodu34 thanks
It’s easier they respond to you than to me
I had no problem to build in http://abf-downloads.openmandriva.org/luca_personal/repository/cooker
[16:55] <\HisShadow_> joel_tess_: yeah, I’ll fix it, gotta create it manually
thank you very much!
I’ve still some problems with ABF. The first is an error at publishing stage. I succeeded to publish some packages on y personal repo but all them cause a ‘Publishing error’ on ABF I can’t understand what it refers to. I dont’n know if it is because all my packages are not signed but I can’t find the way to make it.
Also I would like to compile a package which depends on one or more packages in my personal repo. Is there a way to do this (maybe i should add an extra repositories before to start the build)?
Finally I wonder if the option ‘Use cached chroot’ in the Build panel may speed up the build of a package. Or it may be unsafe?
seems the same problem:
I’ve solved deleting the existing synthesis.hdlist.cz
So I.
Thank you.
btw I some problem to compile a package for the 2014.0. Has that version already been deprecated?
I don’t think, updates are still arriving in repos.
I don’t see openmandriva2014.0 branch on my personal repo. You have it.
yes, I have it as target platform
It is like rpmbuild can’t fetch sources from remote in 2014.0.