How to get cinnamon desktop?

Wishing to try cinnamon desktop on 3.0 running in virtualbox virtual machine,

# urpmi task-cinnamon
No package named task-cinnamon

# urpmi cinnamon
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed:
 Package                        Version      Release       Dist  DEpoch Arch 
(medium "main")
 abattis-cantarell-fonts        0.0.16       2             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 adwaita-cursor-theme           3.18.0       2             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 adwaita-gtk2-theme             3.18.0       4             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 adwaita-gtk3-theme             3.18.0       4             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 at-spi2-atk                    2.18.1       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 caribou                        0.4.19       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 clutter-i18n                   1.24.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 (suggested)
 cogl-i18n                      1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 (suggested)
 gnome-menus                    3.13.3       4             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 gnome-themes-standard          3.18.0       4             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 gucharmap                      3.18.2       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64accountsservice-gir1.0    0.6.42       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64caribou-gir1.0            0.4.19       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64caribou0                  0.4.19       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64clutter-gir1.0            1.24.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64clutter1.0_0              1.24.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cogl-gir1.0               1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cogl-pango-gir1.0         1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cogl-pango20              1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cogl-path20               1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cogl20                    1.22.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64fontconfig-gir2.0         1.46.0       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64freetype-gir2.0           1.46.0       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gee0.8_2                  0.18.0       5             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gl-gir1.0                 1.46.0       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gnomekbd-gir3.0           3.6.0        10            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gnomekbd8                 3.6.0        10            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gnomekbdui8               3.6.0        10            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64gucharmap2_90_7           3.18.2       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64json-glib-gir1.0          1.1.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64json-glib1.0_0            1.1.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64mozjs24.2                 24.2.0       3             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64nmclient-gir1.0           1.2.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64nmgtk-gir1.0              1.0.10       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64pangocairo-gir1.0         1.38.1       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64pangoft2-gir1.0           1.38.1       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64pyglib2.0_0               2.28.6       14            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64upower-glib-gir1.0        0.99.4       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64xkl-gir1.0                5.3          14            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64xklavier16                5.3          14            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 networkmanager-applet          1.0.10       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 polkit-gnome                   0.105        13            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 python-cssselect               0.9.1        6             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 python-lxml                    3.3.5        6             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 python-pexpect                 4.2.0        2             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 python-ptyprocess              0.5.1        1             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 python-pyinotify               0.9.4        11            omv   2015.0 noarch 
 python2-gobject                2.28.6       14            omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 xdriinfo                       1.0.5        2             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
(medium "contrib")
 cinnamon                       3.0.7        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-control-center        3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-desktop               3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-menus                 3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-screensaver           3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-session               3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-settings-daemon       3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 cinnamon-translations          3.0.3        1             omv   2015.0 noarch 
 cjs                            3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cinnamon-control-center1  3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cinnamon-desktop-gir1.0   3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cinnamon-desktop4         3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cinnamon-menu3_0          3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cjs0                      3.0.1        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64cvc0                      3.0.2        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 lib64muffin0                   3.0.5        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 mate-polkit                    1.14.0       1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 muffin                         3.0.5        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 python-pam                     0.5.0        1             omv   2015.0 x86_64 
 python-polib                   1.0.4        2             omv   2015.0 noarch 
90MB of additional disk space will be used.
18MB of packages will be retrieved.
Proceed with the installation of the 69 packages? (Y/n) y

All done.
Logout or reboot, I see no ~cinnamon entry in sddm.

Did you ever test it?

I haven’t tested. Would bet it isn’t only desktop that has yet to be tested. :fearful:

Would win :slight_smile: Also xfce install seems not working…

feel free to provide patches :smile:

Lol! :smiling_imp:

ASAIK sddm search for .desktop files in /usr/share/xsessions so checj there if there is a .desktop for cinnamon. Eventually you can create a customized one by youself. The same with xfce.

btw I tried to install hawaii yesterday but it can’t be installed due to a broken deps so actually only PLASMA and LXQt work with sddm.


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$ cd /usr/share/
$ ls|grep session
$ cd /usr/share/xsessions/
$ ls
failsafe.desktop  lxqt.desktop  openbox.desktop  plasma.desktop  plasma-mediacenter.desktop


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If you get a copy of lxqt.desktop, rename it as cinnamon.desktop, open it and modify it in order to execute cinnamon-session instead of lxqt-session sddm shouls see cinnamon too.

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Am trying.

What Exec= and TryExec= please?

I don’t know exactly how cinnamon works. Try with:


Thanks. Got this

You may try with


and, of course,


No way… :unamused:
Same as before.

Yep that was done, already

I’m quite sure cinnamon-session is the right command. Or cinnamon use a not usual command or it doesn’t work (you may try to check the .xsession.error file in you $HOME directory just after the faulire).

Try also to check here if there is something interesting.

I’d have thought the same, and actually tried it before without luck.
Well, as I cannot provide patches :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: guess I’ll give up.

isn’t there a cinnamon.desktop in /usr/share/applications?
it uses cinnamon-launcher
I tried with a symlink but without luck.
cinnamon is a crisb contrib. we can ask him.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Window management and application launching

Ok, nevermind. Better to ask Crisb then.

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I’ve sent a mp.