i say dumb user, because i find it hard to retain the information i learn… mostly gui user
i mainly use debian 12 or lmde 6 for desktops…
started looking into server for homelab stuff
i have come here looking for a distro that hopefully i can get power management running on a laptop the way i want.
I resemble this. So I use Obsidian to create notes every time I make a change, solve a problem, or run across an interesting tidbit that I may find useful in the future. My database now has 338 files, 85 sub-folders. I started off using Zim, but like Obsidian more because of greater markdown support.
@cretsiah The implementation of our server versions is in progress under OM Probject Leader @bero. Threre is this:
And we can see some Cooker images here, the ones that say “server bare metal” are for server use, I believe they are .img not .isos. I believe there will be instruction for how to install in the near future. I will not be helpful on this project but the smart kids in this forum and OM Chat should have these server images mastered in a few months.
Normal work flow in OMLx is Cooker (development)>ROME>Rock. So these images should make it to ROME and Rock/6.0 in the fullness of time.
Totally agree. Information comes at us fast and then is forgotten just as quickly for the next big thing. My approach is similar in that I hoard interesting articles I come across in Linkwarden, and then take notes on all the steps I made to implement/fix/optimize something. Otherwise, there’s no way in hell I’d be able to retain all of that info in my shriveled-up old brain matter.