Estou tentando instalar o OpenMandriva em meu Notebook. Tudo ocorre normal até a finalização. Mas aparece a Mensagem que não foi possível ajustar o tempo de Relógio de Máquina, ou algo parecido. Instalei o Rosa Linux R10 e tudo ocorreu normalmente. Instalei várias distribuições como Linux Mint, Fedora, Opensuse, mas a única que não conclui a instalação é o Openmandriva. É uma distro que eu gosto muito, mas infelizmente não estou conseguindo instalar em meu notebook.
Desde já, muito obrigado.
Bem, eu nunca vi esse erro antes, mas pelo que parece isso não deveria impedir a instalação do sistema. Você consegue executar o sistema ou ele simplesmente não instala?
Editar: Onde estão os meus costumes! Bem-vindo ao OpenMandriva e ao Forum @alves.
Para iniciar a resolução de problemas, execute o ISO em ‘Live’ e abra o Konsole e inicie o instalador com:
$ pkexec / usr / bin / calamares
e publique o resultado no Konsole aqui como código (</>).
Verifique também o que @guims sugeriu. Às vezes, o instalador cometeu um erro, mas a instalação realmente aconteceu.
English (Because I’m using a translator): To start problem solving this run the ISO in ‘Live’ and open Konsole and start installer with:
$ pkexec /usr/bin/calamares
and post the output in Konsole here as code ( < / >).
Also check what @guims suggested. Sometimes the installer gives an error but the installation actually did happen.
Há também uma função de depuração no Calamares que você pode acessar executando em ‘Live’:
$ pkexec / usr / bin / calamares -d
Quando a janela de Calamares, em seguida, abre, olhe no canto inferior esquerdo onde dirá algo sobre “saída de depuração”. Clique nessa linha e abre outra janela que * pode * ter algumas informações relevantes sobre seu problema.
There is also a debug function in Calamares that you can access by running in ‘Live’:
$ pkexec /usr/bin/calamares -d
When Calamares window then opens look in lower left hand corner where it will say something about ‘debugging output’. Click on that line and it opens another window that may have some relevant information about your issue.
Boa noite. Eu consigo executar o sistema no Live Usb. O sistema não instala. Dá erro e não chega a concluir o processo de instalação.!
Tentei instalar o sistema novamente e foi este o resultado do comando no Konsole:
pkexec /usr/bin/calamares
23:16:17 [1]: Calamares version: 3.1.8
23:16:17 [1]: Default font =====
Pixel size: -1
Point size: 10
Point sizeF: 10
Font family: "Noto Sans"
Metric height: 18
23:16:17 [1]: Font height: 18
23:16:17 [1]: Available languages: ("ar", "ast", "bg", "ca", "cs_CZ", "da", "de", "el", "en", "en_GB", "es_MX", "es", "eu", "fr", "he", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it_IT", "ja", "lt", "nl", "pl", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "th", "tr_TR", "zh_CN", "zh_TW")
23:16:17 [1]: CalamaresApplication thread: 0x1a85e50
23:16:17 [1]: Using log file: "/root/.cache/Calamares/Calamares/Calamares.log"
23:16:17 [1]: Using Calamares settings file at "/etc/calamares/settings.conf"
23:16:17 [1]: Using Calamares branding file at "/etc/calamares/branding/auto/branding.desc"
23:16:17 [1]: WARNING: the selected branding component does not ship translations.
23:16:17 [1]: Loaded branding component "auto"
23:16:17 [1]: STARTUP: initQmlPath, initSettings, initBranding done
23:16:17 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started
23:16:17 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done
23:16:17 [1]: STARTUP: initJobQueue done
23:16:17 [1]: Available size QSize(1366, 714)
23:16:17 [1]: Proposed window size: 1080 648
23:16:17 [1]: STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started
23:16:17 [1]: Initial locale "pt_BR"
23:16:17 [1]: Welcome string false "OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 (Einsteinium)"
23:16:17 [1]: ViewModule "welcome@welcome" loading complete.
23:16:17 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
23:16:17 [1]: ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: ViewModule "users@users" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: Module "partition@partition" already loaded.
23:16:18 [1]: QML import paths: ("/usr/share/calamares/qml", "/usr/bin", "qrc:/", "/usr/lib64/qt5/qml")
23:16:18 [1]: Module "locale@locale" already loaded.
23:16:18 [1]: Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded.
23:16:18 [1]: CppJobModule "dracutlukscfg@dracutlukscfg" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: Module "users@users" already loaded.
23:16:18 [1]: FinishedPage()
23:16:18 [1]: ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete.
23:16:18 [1]: STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done
23:16:18 [1]: STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated
02:16:18 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
01:16:18 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
01:16:18 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
01:16:18 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list.
01:16:18 [1]: Cannot open file "/etc/locale" . Assuming the supported languages are already built into the locale archive.
01:16:18 [1]: Need at least storage bytes: 5368709120
01:16:18 [1]: Need at least ram bytes: 2147483648
01:16:18 [1]: A battery exists, checking for mains power.
01:16:18 [1]: enoughStorage, enoughRam, hasPower, hasInternet, isRoot: true true true true true
01:16:18 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to: "br" - ""
01:16:20 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sdb1"
01:16:20 [1]: Removing unsuitable devices: 2 candidates.
01:16:20 [1]: .. Removing device with iso9660 filesystem (probably a CD) on it "/dev/sdb"
01:16:20 [1]: node capacity name prettyName
01:16:20 [1]: "/dev/sda" 500107729920 "ATA ST500LT012-1DG14" "ATA ST500LT012-1DG14 – 465,76 GiB (/dev/sda)"
01:16:20 [1]: .. 1 devices detected.
01:16:21 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda2" can be resized.
01:16:21 [1]: "/dev/sda2" seems like a good path
01:16:21 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda2"
01:16:21 [1]: "Osprober lines, clean:\n/dev/sda2:OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 (3.0):OpenMandrivaLinux:linux"
01:16:21 [1]: Found EFI system partition at "/dev/sda1"
01:16:21 [1]: Updating partitioning state widgets.
01:16:21 [0]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
01:16:21 [1]: Required storage B: 5905580032 "(5GB)"
01:16:21 [1]: Storage capacity B: 2080256 "(0GB)" for "" length: 4063
01:16:21 [1]: Required storage B: 8053063680 "(7.5GB)"
01:16:21 [1]: Available storage B: 8923683840 "(8GB)" for "/dev/sda3" length: 17429070 sectorsUsed: 0 fsType: "linuxswap"
01:16:21 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda3" authorized for resize + autopartition install.
01:16:21 [1]: Required storage B: 5905580032 "(5GB)"
01:16:21 [1]: Storage capacity B: 8923683840 "(8GB)" for "/dev/sda3" length: 17429070
01:16:21 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda3" authorized for replace install.
01:16:21 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:16:48 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:16:51 [1]: Required storage B: 5905580032 "(5GB)"
23:16:51 [1]: Storage capacity B: 8923683840 "(8GB)" for "/dev/sda3" length: 17429070
23:16:51 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda3" authorized for replace install.
23:17:00 [1]: Required storage B: 5905580032 "(5GB)"
23:17:00 [1]: Storage capacity B: 8923683840 "(8GB)" for "/dev/sda3" length: 17429070
23:17:00 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda3" authorized for replace install.
23:17:05 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:07 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:25 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:25 [1]: PSI added item "" size 2080256
23:17:25 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda1" size 314573312
23:17:25 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda2" size 490867375104
23:17:25 [1]: PSI added item "/dev/sda3" size 8923683840
23:17:28 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:30 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:35 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:39 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets.
23:17:42 [1]: Choice applied: 4
23:18:04 [1]: old boundaries: 618498 959343839 958725342
23:18:04 [1]: new boundaries: 618498 959343839
23:18:04 [1]: dirty status: false
23:18:04 [1]: Found EFI system partition at "/dev/sda1"
23:18:22 [1]: old boundaries: 4097 618497 614401
23:18:22 [1]: new boundaries: 4097 618497
23:18:22 [1]: dirty status: false
23:18:22 [1]: Found EFI system partition at "/dev/sda1"
23:19:34 [0]: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
23:19:34 [0]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
23:19:34 [1]: Creating FillGlobalStorageJob with bootLoader path ""
23:19:34 [1]: PartitionCodeModule has been asked for jobs. About to return: "Limpar pontos de montagens temporários.\nLimpar as montagens para as operações nas partições em /dev/sda\nDefinir informações da partição"
23:19:34 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now.
23:19:34 [1]: QHash(("", "")("/dev/sda1", "0901-4D26")("/dev/sda2", "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e")("/dev/sda3", "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"))
23:19:34 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"]
23:19:34 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "unknown") ( QVariant(QString, "desconhecida") ) ""
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "/boot/efi" fs: QVariant(QString, "fat32") ( QVariant(QString, "fat32") ) "0901-4D26"
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "/" fs: QVariant(QString, "ext4") ( QVariant(QString, "ext4") ) "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e"
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ( QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ) "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"
23:19:34 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now.
23:19:34 [1]: QHash(("", "")("/dev/sda1", "0901-4D26")("/dev/sda2", "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e")("/dev/sda3", "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"))
23:19:34 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"]
23:19:34 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "unknown") ( QVariant(QString, "desconhecida") ) ""
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "/boot/efi" fs: QVariant(QString, "fat32") ( QVariant(QString, "fat32") ) "0901-4D26"
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "/" fs: QVariant(QString, "ext4") ( QVariant(QString, "ext4") ) "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e"
23:19:34 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ( QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ) "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"
23:19:40 [1]: Creating FillGlobalStorageJob with bootLoader path ""
23:19:40 [1]: PartitionCodeModule has been asked for jobs. About to return: "Limpar pontos de montagens temporários.\nLimpar as montagens para as operações nas partições em /dev/sda\nDefinir informações da partição"
23:19:40 [0]: Starting job "Limpar pontos de montagens temporários."
23:19:40 [1]: Opened mtab. Lines:
23:19:40 [1]: "sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "proc /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,size=1963744k,nr_inodes=490936,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/unified cgroup2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "pstore /sys/fs/pstore pstore rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devices cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,hugetlb 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/pids cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/rdma cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,rdma 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "configfs /sys/kernel/config configfs rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "/dev/sdb /run/initramfs/omdv iso9660 ro,relatime,nojoliet,check=s,map=n,blocksize=2048 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "/dev/loop0 /run/initramfs/image squashfs ro,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "/run/initramfs/tmpfs /run/initramfs/tmpfs tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "overlay /run/initramfs/union overlay rw,relatime,lowerdir=/run/initramfs/image,upperdir=/run/initramfs/tmpfs/memory,workdir=/run/initramfs/tmpfs/work,index=off 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "overlay / overlay rw,relatime,lowerdir=/run/initramfs/image,upperdir=/run/initramfs/tmpfs/memory,workdir=/run/initramfs/tmpfs/work,index=off 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "systemd-1 /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc autofs rw,relatime,fd=27,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=14983 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "hugetlbfs /dev/hugepages hugetlbfs rw,relatime,pagesize=2M 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "mqueue /dev/mqueue mqueue rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /run/user/1000 tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=396112k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1001 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "gvfsd-fuse /run/user/1000/gvfs fuse.gvfsd-fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1001 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "/dev/sda1 /media/0901-4D26 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1001,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: "/dev/sda2 /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "/dev/sda2" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h"
23:19:40 [1]: "/dev/sda1 /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/boot/efi vfat rw,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1001,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "/dev/sda1" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/boot/efi"
23:19:40 [1]: "proc /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/proc proc rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "proc" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/proc"
23:19:40 [1]: "sys /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "sys" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys"
23:19:40 [1]: "devtmpfs /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,size=1963744k,nr_inodes=490936,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "devtmpfs" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/dev"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run tmpfs rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "tmpfs" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run"
23:19:40 [1]: "tmpfs /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run/udev tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "tmpfs" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run/udev"
23:19:40 [1]: "efivarfs /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys/firmware/efi/efivars efivarfs rw,relatime 0 0"
23:19:40 [1]: INSERTING pair (device, mountPoint) "efivarfs" "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run/udev"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/proc"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/dev"
23:19:40 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h"
23:19:41 [1]: Will try to umount path "/tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/boot/efi"
23:19:41 [1]: ClearTempMountsJob finished. Here's what was done:
"Successfully unmounted /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/run.\nSuccessfully unmounted /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/sys.\nSuccessfully unmounted /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/proc.\nSuccessfully unmounted /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h/dev.\nSuccessfully unmounted /tmp/calamares-root-n1fa5q3h."
23:19:41 [0]: Starting job "Limpar as montagens para as operações nas partições em /dev/sda"
23:19:41 [1]: ClearMountsJob finished. Here's what was done:
"Successfully unmounted /dev/sda1."
23:19:41 [0]: Starting job "Definir informações da partição"
23:19:41 [1]: Gathering UUIDs for partitions that exist now.
23:19:41 [1]: QHash(("", "")("/dev/sda1", "0901-4D26")("/dev/sda2", "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e")("/dev/sda3", "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"))
23:19:41 [1]: Writing to GlobalStorage["partitions"]
23:19:41 [1]: "" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "unknown") ( QVariant(QString, "desconhecida") ) ""
23:19:41 [1]: "/dev/sda1" mtpoint: "/boot/efi" fs: QVariant(QString, "fat32") ( QVariant(QString, "fat32") ) "0901-4D26"
23:19:41 [1]: "/dev/sda2" mtpoint: "/" fs: QVariant(QString, "ext4") ( QVariant(QString, "ext4") ) "018fa619-35ca-4006-931b-16dbfd2b396e"
23:19:41 [1]: "/dev/sda3" mtpoint: "" fs: QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ( QVariant(QString, "linuxswap") ) "18626a80-d5af-4344-935b-faaf80e5a5b3"
23:19:41 [1]: FillGlobalStorageJob writing empty bootLoader value
23:19:41 [0]: Starting job "mount"
23:19:41 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/mount/"
23:19:41 [1]: Job "mount" (doc) -> "Define mountpoints."
23:19:42 [0]: Starting job "unpackfs"
23:19:42 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/unpackfs/"
23:19:42 [1]: Job "unpackfs" (doc) -> "Unsquash filesystem."
mount: /tmp/tmp2vk8j88z/squashfs: AVISO: dispositivo protegido contra gravação; montado como somente-leitura.
23:19:58 [0]: Starting job "machineid"
23:19:58 [1]: Standard paths ("/root", "/usr/bin", "/usr/share/locale")
23:19:58 [1]: Checking "pt_BR.UTF-8" in "/root"
23:19:58 [1]: Checking "pt_BR.UTF-8" in "/usr/bin"
23:19:58 [1]: Checking "pt_BR.UTF-8" in "/usr/share/locale"
23:19:58 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/machineid/"
23:19:58 [1]: Job "machineid" (doc) -> "Generate machine-id using dbus and systemd."
23:19:58 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "systemd-machine-id-setup")
23:19:59 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:19:59 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "ln", "-s", "/etc/machine-id", "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id")
23:19:59 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "fstab"
23:19:59 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/fstab/"
23:19:59 [1]: Job "fstab" (doc) -> "Configures fstab."
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "Definir fuso horário para Brazil/East"
23:19:59 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "rm", "-f", "/etc/localtime")
23:19:59 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:19:59 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "ln", "-s", "/usr/share/zoneinfo/Brazil/East", "/etc/localtime")
23:19:59 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "Definir modelo de teclado para pc105, layout para br-"
23:19:59 [1]: Executing SetKeyboardLayoutJob
23:19:59 [1]: Found converted keymap "br"
23:19:59 [1]: Written KEYMAP= "br" to vconsole.conf
23:19:59 [1]: Written XkbLayout "br" ; XkbModel "pc105" ; XkbVariant "" to file "/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf"
23:19:59 [1]: Written XKBMODEL "pc105" ; XKBLAYOUT "br" ; XKBVARIANT "" to /etc/default/keyboard file "/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx/etc/default/keyboard"
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "localecfg"
23:19:59 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/localecfg/"
23:19:59 [1]: Job "localecfg" (doc) -> "Create locale"
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "luksbootkeyfile"
23:19:59 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/luksbootkeyfile/"
23:19:59 [1]: Job "luksbootkeyfile" (doc) -> "This module sets up a file crypto_keyfile.bin on the rootfs, assuming the"
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "Pular escrita de configuração LUKS para o Dracut: a partição \"/\" não está criptografada"
23:19:59 [1]: [DRACUTLUKSCFG]: / not encrypted, skipping
23:19:59 [0]: Starting job "Criar usuário flavioluisalves"
23:19:59 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "groupadd", "network")
23:20:00 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:00 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "groupadd", "storage")
23:20:00 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:00 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "groupadd", "sambashare")
23:20:01 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:01 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "useradd", "-m", "-s", "/bin/bash", "-U", "-c", "Flávio Luís Alves", "flavioluisalves")
23:20:02 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:02 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "usermod", "-aG", "users,lp,video,network,storage,wheel,audio,sambashare", "flavioluisalves")
23:20:03 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:03 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "chown", "-R", "flavioluisalves:flavioluisalves", "/home/flavioluisalves")
23:20:03 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:03 [0]: Starting job "Definir senha para usuário flavioluisalves"
23:20:03 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "usermod", "-p", "$6$iYyt3knZ6aXpTfDp$kTwxLdzHVs2G48PnnnipMIaPdJ6xD3prpgjicXFRMF6Gt3Uk5Cylo1p06B.tQUfowL2S0v5WhaisT32hsY7NG1", "flavioluisalves")
23:20:04 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:04 [0]: Starting job "Definir senha para usuário root"
23:20:04 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "usermod", "-p", "$6$XGw7.Nelk/DzO9aB$wpyt7WuBKK5RT0AbAxcQDI2Br/OlyYvwq0xrWecqS/uEh9gnN.qM8dzjqrj6bDIhpDo27KJrYl4HEtpuvAPe0.", "root")
23:20:04 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:04 [0]: Starting job "Definir nome da máquina Sinai"
23:20:04 [0]: Starting job "removeuser"
23:20:04 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/removeuser/"
23:20:04 [1]: Job "removeuser" (doc) -> "Remove live user from target system"
23:20:04 [0]: Running "chroot" ("/tmp/calamares-root-me6tiefx", "userdel", "-f", "-r", "live")
23:20:05 [0]: Finished. Exit code: 0
23:20:05 [0]: Starting job "displaymanager"
23:20:05 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/displaymanager/"
23:20:05 [1]: Job "displaymanager" (doc) -> "Configure display managers."
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "slim selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "lightdm selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "gdm selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "mdm selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "lxdm selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "kdm selected but not installed"
23:20:05 [1]: [PYTHON JOB]: "Unsetting autologin."
23:20:05 [0]: Starting job "networkcfg"
23:20:05 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/networkcfg/"
23:20:05 [1]: Job "networkcfg" (doc) -> "Setup network configuration"
23:20:05 [0]: Starting job "hwclock"
23:20:05 [1]: Job file "/usr/lib64/calamares/modules/hwclock/"
23:20:05 [1]: Job "hwclock" (doc) -> "Set hardware clock."
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
hwclock: Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.
23:20:05 [0]: Installation failed:
23:20:05 [0]: - message: "Cannot set hardware clock."
23:20:05 [0]: - details: "hwclock terminated with exit code 70."
23:20:05 [0]: Calamares will quit when the dialog closes.
23:20:05 [1]: FinishedPage::setUpRestart()
23:20:17 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
23:20:17 [0]: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
Próximas etapas: Certifique-se de que o arquivo ISO não está corrompido. Como? O checksum corresponde (md5sum e sha1sum)? O arquivo ISO é o tamanho correto? Se você executar ‘ls -l’ no diretório com o arquivo ISO, ele deve ser 2260008960. Além disso, as somas de verificação e o tamanho do arquivo em KB estão aqui:
Next steps: Be sure ISO file is not corrupted. How? Do checksums match (md5sum and sha1sum)? Is ISO file the correct size? If you run ‘ls -l’ on the directory with the ISO file it should be 2260008960. Also the checksums and file size in KB are here:
ou em qualquer outro dos nossos outros espelhos.
or at any of our other mirrors.
Outra coisa que você pode tentar é instalar com um ISO mais recente. Estes também são Lx 3.03, mas com os últimos pacotes no momento em que são feitos (todos os domingos à noite normalmente).
Another thing you can try is to install with a more recent ISO. These are also Lx 3.03 but with latest packages at the time they are made (every Sunday evening usually).
Há também o problema que eu mencionei:
There is also that debug thing I mentioned:
23:20:05 [1]: Job "hwclock" (doc) -> "Set hardware clock."
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
hwclock: Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.
Se nenhum dos itens acima nos receber uma resposta, o próximo passo é um relatório de erro se você quiser prosseguir em
If none of the above gets us an answer then the next step is a bug report if you wish to pursue it at
Editar: E devo dizer também que se você não conseguir uma resposta melhor com qualquer um dos itens acima, espero que você arquive um relatório de erros para que possamos corrigir o problema. É mais fácil para nós conseguir que os desenvolvedores envolvidos solucionem problemas com um relatório de erros.
Edit: And I should say also that if you don’t get a better answer with any of the above I hope you do file a bug report so we can get the issue fixed. It is easier for us to get developers involved solving problems with a bug report.
Com certeza, você tentou reiniciar o sistema apesar do erro de Calamares?
Você pode pressionar o botão Completo?
Aviso: Eu não sou Inglês nativo, eu não conheço portugues e também estou usando um tradutor
To be sure, did you try to reboot the system despite Calamares error?
You can push Completo button ?
Disclaimer: I’m not native English, i don’t know Portuguese language, and I’m using a translator too
Já efetuei todas as verificações antes de instalar. Baixei diversas vezes a Iso, A imagem está integra. Não é este o problema.
Vou baixar a iso mais recente e testar. Obrigado. Mais tarde posto o resultado.
@alves, conseguiu completar a instalação?
Boa noite Não deu certo. O problema contínua. Mas muito obrigado pela ajuda.
Tenta então instalar a versão do OpenMandriva com LXQt, não custa tentar.
Outro usuário relatou o problema com o hwclock e instalou a falha. Ele diz que tenta ISO 1540, que funcionou para ele
Another user reported the problem with hwclock and install failing. He says to try ISO 1540, that worked for him.
Edit: Outro post sobre hwclock aqui.
Edit: Other post about hwclock here.
Qual o link para o download?
Onde faço o download desta build? Obrigado.
Esses ISO são apenas LXQT:
Lembre-se de que não use 1667 é um teste de desenvolvedor que não funcionará. Você deseja usar o ID # 1540 provavelmente. O ID de compilação 1512 também deve funcionar, mas você teria mais pacotes para atualizar logo após a instalação.
Remember don’t use 1667 it is a developer test that won’t work. You want to use Build ID # 1540 most likely. Build ID # 1512 should also work but you would have more packages to update right after install.
Se você quer um Plasma5 ISO [este] ( Estou saindo, isso funcionará, mas não saberemos até você ou alguém com a questão hwclock tente.
If you want a Plasma5 ISO this one I’m hopping will work but we won’t know until you or someone with the hwclock issue try it.
Primeiro, confirme que você pode instalar com ISO mais antigo. Mas então, precisamos de alguém que tenha o problema real de arquivar um relatório de erros para que possamos implantar os desenvolvedores. A menos que ainda não exista um relatório de erro sobre isso.
alves first confirm that you can install with older ISO. But then we need someone that has the actual issue to file a bug report so we can get developers involved. Unless there isn’t already a bug report on this.