The swap partition is not added to fstab when istalling with manual partitioning.
This happens when a swap partition already exists if you were to create one during install it would probably be added to the fstab. The use case is when duel booting with an existing linux system and you want to use the same swap partition for both.
If it suficient to just enable swap (swapon /dev/swap partition) before launching the installer for it to be added to the fstab?
I didnt know you could do that i don’t remember seeing swap in the mountpiont drop down menu. Until now my swap partition has always been recognised and add to the fstab automatically when installing from a live iso. I still have an OM iso on a usb so will boot into it and have a look. In the docs it says that using manual partitioning assumes you know what you are doing but this isn’t the behavior i am used to. Maybe it would be worth mentioning it in the install instructions. The reason I use manual partitioning is because i have a data partition with all my home folders that i then symlink to each distros home, this avoids sharing a common home partition and conflicting . files.
Thanks for the info I’ve already read a couple of the articles but some how missed
It doesn’t help with this question, but may offer a solution to another problem i’m having. I think i’m going to do another install and try a couple of things. My use case maybe a bit niche but if i get it working do you think its worth me writting a how to?
After rechecking the installer, when i try to edit the swap partition mountpiont is greyed out and cant be changed. This is not urgent so i am going to try a couple of things and will report back.
Best when someone has problems with Calamares installer is to provide the installation logs. How to do this is in the resources section. Without logs what could we work on?
And I am going to keep saying if a problem does not get resolved in this forum or on IRC in a few days user needs to file a bug report.
If you post a problem in forum in then file a bug report, link the bug report to the forum.
I didn’t know installation logs were a things so i would have never thought to look for one (we don’t know what we don’t know) Also although this behavior is not what i have normally experienced my experience is limited and this may be normal for OM so i didn’t assume that it was a bug. I’m really not trying to be pedantic, I don’t want to create unnecessary work for the dev team or is better to report everything and let them decide. Sorry if the question sounds redundant but i haven’t spent that much time in this kind of forum. I know this must be frustrating but these things are not always obvious to the uninitiated.
I am not trying to be pedantic either. I am trying to be constructive and proactive.
I do not use swap partition but as I recall the Calamares partitioner would automatically recognize a swap partition unless there is something unusual about that swap partition.
If there is a technical problem bug reports are preferred. QA 101. Problems can get lost in the flow of a user forum like this or IRC. Bug reports should be one problem only. All the information in one easily accessible page for everyone involved. Trying to keep track of multiple users problems on a forum is both difficult and time consuming.
Apologies but right now I am way behind on my OMLx testing, and way behind in my personal life. I am ust trying to get users to respect out donated time and look things up for themselves, and otherwise do as much as they can to help us help you the user.