Comportamento anomalo dopo aggiornamento

audacity aggiornato in cooker

$ rpm -qa|grep audacity


$ audacity
audacity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such f
ile or directory



Qui in cooker

Sarebbe utile se qualcuno che conosce il programma lo provasse.


Io l’ho usato un po di volte se lo portano in 4.2 posso testarlo


Posso installarla in rolling? Mi dai il link per scaricarla?


Penso di si ma non posso assicurarti. Io l’ho installato in una macchina cooker.
Non ho ancora provato in una rolling.

Index of /cooker/repository/x86_64/main/release/

Questo il log dell’installazione, che comprende anche le dipendenze:

 audacity                             x86_64              3.0.2-2                     cooker-x86_64              7.1 M
Installazione dipendenze:
 lib64mspack0                         x86_64              0.5-0.1.alpha               cooker-x86_64               60 k
 lib64soundtouch1                     x86_64              2.1.2-1                     cooker-x86_64               35 k
 lib64suil0                           x86_64              0.10.8-1                    cooker-x86_64               14 k
 lib64vamp-plugin-sdk2                x86_64              2.10-1                      cooker-x86_64              128 k
 lib64wx_baseu3.1_5                   x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64              641 k
 lib64wx_baseu_net3.1_5               x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64              116 k
 lib64wx_baseu_xml3.1_5               x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64               30 k
 lib64wx_gtk3u_core3.1_5              x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64              1.9 M
 lib64wx_gtk3u_html3.1_5              x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64              232 k
 lib64wx_gtk3u_qa3.1_5                x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64               54 k
 wxwidgets                            x86_64              3.1.5-1                     cooker-x86_64              546 k

Riepilogo della transazione
Installati  12 pacchetti
audacity-3.0.2-2.x86_64                lib64mspack0-0.5-0.1.alpha.x86_64     lib64soundtouch1-2.1.2-1.x86_64       
lib64suil0-0.10.8-1.x86_64             lib64vamp-plugin-sdk2-2.10-1.x86_64   lib64wx_baseu3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64     
lib64wx_baseu_net3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64  lib64wx_baseu_xml3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64 lib64wx_gtk3u_core3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64
lib64wx_gtk3u_html3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64 lib64wx_gtk3u_qa3.1_5-3.1.5-1.x86_64  wxwidgets-3.1.5-1.x86_64

Senza conoscere quasi per niente l’applicazione, ho fatto qualche prova e pare che funzioni.

Per il nonsisamai prima ho installato anche i codecs (da oma welcome)


Niente, in rolling non si installa

Problem: conflicting requests
nothing provides needed by audacity-3.0.2-2.x86_64
nothing provides needed by audacity-3.0.2-2.x86_64

Dovremo aspettare la copia del contenuto di cooker in rolling. Manca poco.


Ho appena costruito un nuovo pacchetto audacity per Rolling. È nel repo principale/testing. Non so se funziona meglio perché non so molto di Audacity.

Se ricordo bene i comandi questo dovrebbe installare o aggiornare per Rolling/x86_64:

$ sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf install audacity --enablerepo rolling-testing-x86_64


$ sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf upgrade audacity --enablerepo rolling-testing-x86_64

Edit: Se questo pacchetto funziona fatemelo sapere così posso pubblicarlo nel repository degli aggiornamenti.

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E costruito ora per OM Lx 4.2.

Se ricordo bene i comandi questo dovrebbe installare o aggiornare per Rock/x86_64:

$ sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf install audacity --enablerepo rock-testing-x86_64


$ sudo dnf clean all ; sudo dnf upgrade audacity --enablerepo rock-testing-x86_64

Se questo pacchetto funziona fatemelo sapere così posso pubblicarlo nel repository degli aggiornamenti.

1 Like

Poop! In Rolling:

$ audacity
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV9wxListBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxStaticBitmap' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV6wxGrid' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxFrame' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV9wxControl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTreebook' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxCollapsiblePane' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxBookCtrlBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTreeCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxStaticBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV23wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV5wxPen' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV13wxRadioButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxDialog' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxScrolledWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericTreeCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxBitmapButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxSpinCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV12wxHtmlWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxPanel' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxSlider' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxVScrolledWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxRadioBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxMiniFrame' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxChoice' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxFileDialogBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxListCtrlBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxVListBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxDatePickerCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxTextEntryDialog' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxCheckBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxListCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV12wxDialogBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxStatusBar' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxComboBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxScrollBar' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxToggleButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxGauge' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxAnyButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericListCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Cosa fare per questo è oltre la mia testa. Sono sicuro che la persona giusta potrebbe risolvere il problema.

Spero di riuscire a fare un test questa sera…

Beh, sulla mia rolling si è installato… poi lo provo un po’…

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Installato e funzionante.
Ben fatto!

$ rpm -q audacity

Provato… per come lo uso io (un po’ di copia-incolla qua e là, rimontaggi audio, insomma)… funziona benone!

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Sai di qualche buona guida in italiano?

In 4.2 ho aggiornato da testing questi pacchetti:

Purtroppo non si avvia, questo è l’errore:

[mauro@diabolik-oma ~]$ audacity 
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV9wxListBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxStaticBitmap' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV6wxGrid' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxFrame' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV9wxControl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTreebook' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxCollapsiblePane' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxBookCtrlBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTreeCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxStaticBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV23wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV5wxPen' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV13wxRadioButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxDialog' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxScrolledWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericTreeCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxBitmapButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxSpinCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV12wxHtmlWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxPanel' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxSlider' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxVScrolledWindow' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxRadioBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxMiniFrame' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV8wxChoice' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxFileDialogBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxListCtrlBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxVListBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV16wxDatePickerCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxTextEntryDialog' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxCheckBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxListCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV12wxDialogBase' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxStatusBar' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV10wxComboBox' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxScrollBar' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV14wxToggleButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV7wxGauge' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV11wxAnyButton' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
audacity: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericListCtrl' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
Errore di segmentazione (core dump creato)
[mauro@diabolik-oma ~]$ 

Non so se bisogna aggiornare qualcos’altro.

Audacity probabilmente non è risolvibile in Lx 4.2. Penso che i molti pacchetti qt e gtk siano troppo vecchi per lavorare con gli attuali pacchetti wxwidget da cui Audacity dipende.

Se qualcuno potesse convincere @AngryPenguin o @bero a dare un’occhiata a questo, forse potrebbero risolvere il problema. In base al messaggio di errore sembrerebbe che un nuovo link di qualche tipo possa risolvere il problema?

Post-edit: Dato che audacity funziona in Cooker e Rolling, dovrebbe funzionare anche in OM Lx 4.3 quando sarà rilasciato. Questo dovrebbe essere presto. Ma con OpenMandriva presto può significare domani o settimane.

Tradotto con (versione gratuita)

Original English version:
Audacity probably is not fixable in Lx 4.2. I think the many qt and gtk packages are to old to work with current wxwidget packages which audacity depends on.

If some one could get @AngryPenguin or @bero to look at this maybe they could fix. Based on the error message it would seem like a new link of some kind would fix this?

Post-edit: Given that audacity works in Cooker and Rolling it should also be working in OM Lx 4.3 when it is released. That should be soon. But with OpenMandriva soon can mean tomorrow or weeks.

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Grazie a @AngryPenguin:

Funziona ora qui in Lx 4.2 con la versione audacity-3.0.2-3. I pacchetti sono nel repo main/testing.

Se doveste incontrare dei problemi, provate:

$ sudo dnf erase audacity

$ rm -rf /home/<your_user_name>/.audicity-data

$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo rock-testing-x86_64 audacity

Come detto non ho idea di come funzioni questo software. Ma qui ora si costruisce, si installa, si apre, e almeno sembra funzionare.


Domani sera lo provo.


Ciao testato in 4.2 Rock, ho prima rimosso il vecchio pacchetto e poi i installato quello presente in testing.

Ho fatto qualche prova e mi sembra tutto ok.

Grazie Ben.

:information_source: :white_check_mark: Il contenuto dei repo cooker è stato copiato nei repo rolling.

Per la fiera degli OffTopic :stuck_out_tongue: :
Non ci dovrebbero essere problemi in questo momento con l’aggiornamento massivo che ci troveremo per rolling, ma per tutte le eventualità leggere QUESTO post.
Se necessario, in caso di dubbi chiedere sul forum.