Cannot install ROME plasma 6 X11 from live mode


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:
    ROME 24.07

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):
    KDE Plasma 6.1.3

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):
    I am trying to install the latest ROME version in live mode (openmandriva.rome-24.07-plasma6.x11.x86_64.iso). After adding “mitigations=off” to the boot command (OpenMandriva Lx rolling-slim-plasma6x11.x86_64 live boot errors) I have been able to run the live mode. I have connected to the network, clicked the icon to run the installation, choosen my language (French), location, keyboard, choosen to erase all/create a brand new encripted partition. Hard installation has started and seemed to work properly until the very last step when the following error has been displayed (translated from French):
    The installation has failed
    Installation error of the boot loader
    The boot loader could not be installed. The installation command
    grub2_install --target=i386-pc --recheck --force /dev/sda
    has returned the error code 1.

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

hardware.txt (2.1 KB)
system_log.txt (446.7 KB)

Could anyone guide me in investigating what could be the problem?

Thank you

Hello @olivier
Is your system EFI/UEFI?

If you have a UEFI/EFI computer be sure to select the one mentioning ‘UEFI’ and boot that, otherwise the Calamares installer will present only legacy bios options for installation.

Does it help?

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@olivier if setting a EFI/UEFI partition does not work and you continue to have problems there is What to do if there is a problem installing OM Lx. The log that would be needed is the calamares-installation-log.txt that article shows user how to create.

If you have an existing EFI/UEFI partition you would use that, select mount point /boot/efi and be sure the boot flag is checked. There is no need to format an existing /boot/efi partition.

Thank you both for answering so quickly. Yes it was a UEFI issue and I have just been able to run the installation till the end. But new issue: the system boots but the plasma environment does not start:

  • I enter my luks password to decrypted the partition (I suppose the /boot/efi ?)
  • The menu with OpenMandriva; advance options… is displayed
  • I choose the first one, boot starts the nice flower is displayed and at the botton of the screen a password is required. My luks password works (for /sda1 ?) but then the splash screen is displayed again I can briefly see the mouse pointer appearing/disappearing and nothing else happens. Alt/Ctrl/F2 or F3 displays the console. The Alt/Ctrl/F1 displays a black screen (no more flower).
  • I login in console, try startplasma-X11 and get the error:
    $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.

I am not sure what to do next. Any hints / log files to check?

You definitely do not want to encrypt your /boot/efi. This explains that.

Go to advanced options and select to boot in console mode. When you get to console mode at the prompt type startplasma-x11 (lower case x) and see if you get anything different from $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.

The system logs are journal logs which you can access with command journalctl or for current boot only journalctl -b. To create a file of that journalctl -b > journalctl-b.txt. Copy that to a flash drive and post that here or in a bug report.

Edit: User information: If you are not familiar with journalctl command start with journalctl --help. If you want journalctl manual page install dnf in systemd-documentation and then you can run man journalctl. For most of us mere users journalctl --help is more than enough.

I verified the partitioning using fdisk (fdisk.txt (1.6 KB)). /dev/sda1 is /boot/efi, /dev/sda2 is the rest. And /dev/sda2 is a luks partition. But I am still requested to enter twice the luks password even when I start in console mode. That’s weird. I will eventually reinstall without the encryption and set it manually later to check if it behaves differently at boot time.

Unfortunately startplasma returns nothing different. journalctl -b output is the following:
journalctl-b.txt (183.3 KB)

Let me know if a bug report would be preferable to track this issue.

Edit: I did another installation from scratch without encryption. startplasma returns the same.

Yes. Use a descriptive title of the actual issue and include much information as completely as possible as you are able.

Question: You are using startplasma-x11 not startplasma or startplasma-X11? Next let’s define the problem again. The system appears to boot, you see the plymouth splash screen, then ksplash, then you should see a sddm login screen. Do you see the sddm login screen? Are you using autologin? I would assume someone using luks would not use autologin.

I use startplasma-x11.

No, I don’t see the sddm login screen and I am not using autologin.

I think I have the same issue on another laptop (older one) but it is not with me at the moment. Anyway I will raise a bug report later tonight or tomorrow morning hopefully.

And thank you, I have learned a lot through a few posts :slight_smile:

Thank you as well. I am learning from this thread myself. I believe we have seen sddm having problems on some hardware. There is probably a kernel parameter that could be changed or added to correct this. Will ask OM devs about this.

Are using the Slim iso or Plasma 6 iso?

Plasma 6 iso

So you are using no added of changed boot parameters to boot the installed system?

You could try booting the installed system with mitigations=off. However OM devs have said that should have nothing to do with a system booting or not. So if it is having an effect that would likely be a bug that needs to be resolved. Or a flaw in Intel Core i5-6300U.

If that doesn’t work this is next: The system is booting and there is no sddm login screen. So what we want to see is when you boot normally (the 1st line in grub2 menu) and get to black screen with mouse cursor you switch to a VT like (Ctrl>Alt>Fx) and get the journalctl -b log and attach that here. That should show some error with sddm login or maybe some graphical error. But graphical error does not seem likely with intel graphics.

nothing added, normal boot.

It is working!!! sddm login screen is finally displayed and I can enjoy plasma 6.

I will try the same tomorrow on another laptop (i3) which shows a pretty similar issue (or not, I will confirm). I would be happy to share it as guinea pig for further investigation if any.

Note that previous ROME version was running perfectly until the update back in april (using dnf --allowerasing dsynch) if I recall well. I had then no time to investigate and kept on running the previous version before deciding (now) to reinstall everything.

Try this:

I can boot directly (without adding mitigations=off)

That is because the fast but insecure mode includes mitigations off.

Now the question is why does mitigations=off work. Are there some Intel cpu’s that won’t work with the Spectre/Meltdown patches?

Good :+1:

Now try this:

sudo dracut -f
(it may take some time, wait until you get the console prompt again)

sudo update-grub2

and see if anything changed by normal boot mode.

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This command has shown an error though it seems to have completed. Output is:

> Création du fichier de configuration GRUB…
> Thème trouvé : /boot/grub2/themes/OpenMandriva/theme.txt
> Arrière-plan trouvé : /boot/grub2/themes/OpenMandriva/background.png
> Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-6.10.0-desktop-1omv2490
> Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd-6.10.0-desktop-1omv2490.img
> Found memtest image: /boot/memtest.bin
> Attention : le sondeur de systèmes d\'exploitation sera exécuté pour détecter d\'autres partitions amorçables.
> Sa sortie sera utilisée pour détecter les binaires amorçables qu\'elles contiennent et créer de nouvelles entrées d\'amorçage.
> ERROR: sil: invalid metadata checksum in area 2 on /dev/dm-0
> Ajout de l\'entrée du menu d\'amorçage pour les paramètres du firmware UEFI …
> Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration
> fait

Then normal boot mode and the problem is still there: no sddm login screen; startplasma-x11 returns the same error. I still need to add mitigations=off to get in.

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