Came here from

Hello all,

I’m a professional linux sysadmin with about 20 years experience, most of it in the Red Hat ecosystem (RHCE). Since IBM took over the customer experience has been heading down hill. Particularly in the past 12 months I’ve found myself gradually being less enthusiastic about wearing my old RHCE and RHCSA shirts, removing Red Hat merch from my office, less excited about RHEL and fedora releases, etc.

Thanks to recent Lunduke videos have found a new base OS for my home lab. Today I took the plunge and am writing this from my first baremetal install of OpenMandriva Rock. I’m largely interested in running qemu/kvm, k8s, and a bunch of network services for the home network on these hosts. Also steam and nvidia drivers on the gaming hosts. Everything else I expect to run in vms and containers. I’m also interested in security hardening.

Keen to get started and feed back my experiences.


saw this thread on matrix so i thought i’d check in
i usually write documentation for gentoo, and people have tried time and time again to get me to install nixos, since their documentation is so bad
but i saw from friends how nixos trashed their community with political discussion and i didn’t want to be anywhere near politics when i’m there to talk about software
i saw the new lunduke video and was skeptical about how a distro could be apolitical when so much of linux is connected so tightly, so i looked up openmandriva and was pleasantly surprised to find it’s an independent distro with a long history
i was kinda between distros since i was having critical bugs on gentoo and bazzite, so i kind of rolled the dice and installed openmandriva today
it’s great so far. i love the defaults, the maintainers seem pretty chill and helpful, so i’m already off to a good start.


I think you may have missed it. The Donate button is in the top right of the homepage. Can’t miss it!

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I bought Mandrake 7.1 in the retail box - didn’t go full time to Linux until one of my Ex wife’s friends loaded up their computer with viruses.

I completely nuked everything and gave them my XP license and from then forward (about 2004) I’ve been running Linux full time except for a time in 2013-14, when I was doing some online classes and the new laptop came with Windows. That lasted about six months, and I got sick of the constant problems.

I’ve been all over the map, tried Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Manjaro, Fedora, Linux Mint, MxLinux, Endeavour (What I’m currently running while testing OMLx)

RPMHell largely doesn’t exist anymore within the managed application stack. What happened in the past before applications were distributed centrally, is you’d download an RPM and it would be compiled for a slightly different version. I ran into the same issue with early versions of Ubuntu, when trying to add software not in their repos.


Hi guys! I found out about OpenMandriva from Lunduke too. I’m glad to find a community that isn’t obsessed with enforcing personal politics. If you’re going to get mad at somebody’s opinion it should be about something important like pizza toppings or anime. Browsing the forum has been a breath fresh air. I think what’s going on here is really great and I want to be a part of it!


Much like a chamelon can change colors. I decided to change my user name just to dig a little harder on the mind virus riddled “competition”.


Hello! I’m also here from watching Lunduke’s video and coming from Opensuse Leap. I am trying to download the Rock version of Open Mandriva (znver ISO for AMD devices) from the Mandriva website, but it seems like the ISO download link is broken. When I click on the ID number on the Mandriva page and click on the ISO, it leads to a webpage saying that something went wrong. I can’t download the torrent version either due to my internet connection. I’d really appreciate some help with this. I’m really happy with the work you guys are doing and what you guys stand for.
Edit: I eventually found the Rock iso for AMD devices and downloaded it form sourceforge, but after booting into the iso my laptop screen went black :frowning:

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One more nerd is here. Mandriva was my first ever linux installation about 20 years ago. Did not expect to get back to it, but here I am. Downloading and installing.


Best to create a new thread for this issue or even better, search for it on the forum. There are already threads about such issues. I guess you have a nvidia gpu and there is a problem with the driver or the boot stick was not properly set up.

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For AMD I would recommend Rome, which is the rolling distro. It will have never software and will be better able to handle your AMD hardware.

What graphics card do you have? I had the same issue with that iso, just use the standard one.

If you have an NVIDIA card, you need to go through some additional steps.

Here are my specs (My laptop is a Chromebook):
Host: Barla rev7
CPU: AMD A4-9120C RADEON R4 2C+3G (2) @ 1.600GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R2/R3/R4/R5 Graphics
Memory: 2055MiB / 3634MiB

It looks like I’ll try the Rome version then.

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This is for Brave, so your browser may be a little different. When you click on the iso, Right-Click it instead. Click Copy link address. Paste it into the browser window. Change the http to https and it will work.

Love your videos.


Same here.


It unfortunately did not work for me, but I ended up settling for installing Mandriva Gnome edition for Rock, and was pleasantly surprised at how fast it ran on my laptop. I installed it and so far I am having no issues, despite it being the x86-64 version.


@SteamDrivenPears @waffles @BiglyMcNugget @floracecy @antonmx @tigershark_1969 @JoeJoeSiah


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When I started this thread, I had no idea it would be this big. :rofl:


Thanks Mike! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@darth what is your YouTube channel? I’ll have to check it out. I followed the link to it from your homepage and it said Not Found.