Lunduke just posted a YouTube video about OpenMandriva and there are a lot of us over the the Lunduke site downloading it now and a lot of viewers of the YouTube video are doing so as well.
I have been a longtime user of Tumbleweed and am downloading Rome right now.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, try an Internet search. One can find out a lot from documentation or forum posts at other Linux distros. If user finds something written for another distro but you have some doubt ask at OpenMandriva Chat.
For serious technical issues and package/feature requests please file a bug report here.
Note: We are a small group. All the contributors and developers here are unpaid volunteers.
You can make OpenMandriva grow and improve by getting involved
Any help with testing would be appreciated whether one is technically proficient or a very non-technical user. The more people and more hardware we can get involved the better we can make OMLx releases and packaging. We do a lot of testing in VM’s as well. Developers tend to use Qemu, most user level testers use VirtualBox.
thankfully the yt algo pointed me to Lunduke whom ive never heard of before, but Im a nonwoke linux user and I really appreciate the team for taking the opportunity to attack the woke fags with a Based OS. I like it!
(Rocking Rock 5.0 on a Framework 13 (12th Gen Intel & 13th Gen Intel)))
Also here from Lunduke. Really appreciate your efforts!
Downloaded Rock and have it in a VM. Next step is putting it on a Framework 13.
Hi everyone! I’m also here from Landuke. Mandrake was the first distro I really liked long, long time ago. In the last years it was mostly Void and CachyOS for me. I really like your focus on technology and the strong “no-f’s-given” attitude regarding everything and everyone else. So, hi from Germany, stay strong, and let’s go OpenMandriva!
Also here from Lunduke and wanted to say “Howdy!”. Planning to dive into Rome later today and see if it might be my new daily driver. Thanks for all the hard work in making this distro available to everyone!
I also came having watched Lunduke, I was honestly getting pretty worried about finding a distro that would remain stable with so many unstable people working on FOSS projects these days. I am loving OpenMandriva so far, it looks like you guys have saved me from a lot of future headaches.
Strictly my personal opinion: I am neither wore nor anti-woke. Neutrality for me. Agendas of all kinds do not belong in OpenMandriva. We are strongly in support of free open source software and open to all. Yes there is a rather loose code of conduct.
There are plenty of outlets for one to express whatever political or religious beliefs they have. This ain’t it.
Summary: Mind your own business, let other folks mind theirs. I remind myself of this often.