About OMLx Spins (other desktops)

A hearty and grateful welcome to all the new users here.

If you go to openmandriva.org select the Download button, select Spins you get to this:

Read this text, all of it! This was written for a reason.

Scroll down to:

All users please note that the primary focus of OpenMandriva at this time is Plasma6 then Gnome and LXQt. That is due to resource allocation not lack of desire. Of the others listed there XFCE isos will work with the workaround posted above. Do not know about Mate. Currently Cinnamon, and Budgie do not work.

It is reasonable to use ROME Gnome or ROME LXQt for production, ROME LXQt should be regarded as Beta. Any of the rest of this is Alpha.

Edit: I just noticed that @AngryPenguin posted this workaround for Cosmic iso.

How to run installer in COSMIC desktop

I thought to post this because we have an influx of new users which we are very grateful and happy about. Some people inevitably want to try other desktops and seem to miss that they are in some experimental of development stage, some are unmaintained. So know before you install what you are getting in to.


@AngryPenguin must have fixed whatever was wrong. I downloaded and installed the Xfce spin (ROME) without a hitch, once I figued out the https issue with my browser (“ungoogled-chromium”) and clicked on the number of the build instead of the name of the build. It’s nimble and full-featured and easy, just as I expected. I realize I could have installed “Slim” and then Xfce, but it turns out I didn’t need to. Many thanks to @AngryPenguin for this fine spin!


@Robin cool!
Good to know :+1:


My install did not go as seemless as it did for @Robin - I definitely hit the blank screen as @ben79 stated. However as he pointed out there is a fix, from the main Grub2 screen you goto Advanced Options > Console Mode you login to your user and then type startxfce4.

However, I did a quick fix on my installation and it worked out great and I now get a proper Greeter screen everytime the system is booted. The possible fix (until permanently fixed by OM devs) for most is as follows, from the main Grub2 screen you go to Advanced Options > Console Mode you login to your user and then issue the following commands: sudo systemctl disable gdm > systemctl stop gdm > sudo dnf remove gdm > sudo dnf install lightdm > sudo systemctl enable lightdm > systemctl start lightdm > sudo reboot

Upon reboot you should be greeted by a login GUI and be able to log into XFCE.


This is the kind of thing we need more of. Good work and many thanks for sharing.


Developers worked on that.
It should be fixed in the next iso build.

Also COSMIC iso installer should be fixed soon in next builds.

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That is great news! BTW; so far, so good with the OM ROME Xfce spin (Build: 3544) install. Outside of the initial boot quirk it seems to be working as intended. :grin:

I apologize if my (until permanently fixed by OM devs) comment in that post came off as snarky or condescending, that was NOT the intention nor context of that statement at all.

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