Zypper and apt or dpkg what is happening here. That is confusing

Ok Im confused as F.
OM is an rpm based distro yet we have some zypper leftowers in manual page and a distro it self.
I can understand that because zypper is an rpm package manager. Imho better then dnf. But this is clearly matter of individual preference.

Question is why it is still present in etc.

ls /etc/zypp/
needreboot repos.d/ systemCheck zypp.conf
~$ ls /etc/zypp/

Is it only a leftover?
Is it not?
If it is not, what is its function in the system?
Can it be remove safely?

Same goes with dpkg in zenver repos why it is even there?

It is confusing. Especially for those who does not understand that we have many package managers in linux not only apt.

For many newcomers linux equals=* buntu. Package menager apt / dpkg

This is a DNF distro and ONLY DNF should be used. Nuff said.

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That is my assumption also. Yet it is strange we have all of those foreign stuff in a distro

That is intentional. Since dnf and zypper both use rpm in the background, you can use either one, and zypper exists in the repos. You can dnf install zypper and it’ll work (at least most of the time, one of the reasons why we’re going with dnf by default is that zypper is sometimes a bit slow to pick up support for newer rpm versions).
The zypper related files are there to keep zypper working (and to keep repository information in one place, so if we switch hosts we don’t have to adapt multiple packages).
If you’re not planning to use zypper, you can remove those files (just don’t forget that you did and then complain that zypper doesn’t work if you install it a year later…)

dpkg definitely shouldn’t be used, it is incompatible with the system package manager. The reason why it’s in the (extra) repository is that some binary-only stuff is released only as a .deb and some people have asked for a way to make it possible to install those. This shouldn’t be done if there’s a way to avoid it at all (and there always is a way, OM tar knows how to handle rpm and .deb files, so you can just tar xf a deb file if you really need it).


@bero Thank you very much for your detailed and kind replay.
That will definitely go to my big long YT OM user review.
You answer will help lots of people not only me.
It clears situation completely.
Thanks again


@grafi The ‘Extra’ repository has been called ‘Unsupported’ until a few time ago. You still can find some references to /unsupported here and there.
There are old obsolete packages not touched for years, but also others that do work and are maintaned by contributors.
I think you can see the Extra repo like: feel free to use stuff if they work, to ignore if they don’t work, or to fix it and provide your patch or submit a PR.

Thank you.

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