_**Kernel Version 6…12.9-desktop-1omv2490 (64-bit)
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Hi All hope you are all well.
I have noticed that my wifi keeps disconecting when I let my laptop sit for a while, especially if there is no internet traffic, such as a browser being open… Typically less than about 2 maybe 3 minutes and the wifi signal will have a question mark next to it and I will have to log back into it… This is very cumbersome, am I causing this by being on a hidden network?
Hi @CharlesGibbsNam, It could be a power save issue i had the same problem on another distro so its worth trying. Create a powersave-off.conf
First check if it is actually on, you will need the logical name (Probably wlpsomething)
Sudo lshw -class network
then check wifi powersave state
iw dev (logical name) get power_save
If it is on continue, if not or if this doesnt solve the problem come back and post the results of the lshw command
Now create the .conf file
sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/powersave-off.conf
in the new file add
wifi.powersave = 2
use ctrl+x to close you will be asked if you want to save type y then hit enter to save
2 is to leave the powersave option switched off
Now restart NetworkManager
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
We will now recheck the powersave state with
iw dev (logical name) get power_save
if it reports off see how that goes also recheck after a reboot it is possible there are other configs that take presidence on boot. If this solves the problem come back and let us know so it can be marked as solved.