Where are i686 Repos?

We will be getting this bug addressed. Thank you for finding it.

This is the unfortunate byproduct of getting information from other sources that do not have the knowledge to support our distribution. It would require having a conversation with us to explain the differences between us and them. Therefore, we would appreciate if you would stop comparing OMLx to how every other distro does things. We are not those distros and we are not based on those distros. OMLx is not an institutionally packaged, commercially funded distribution. It is a community authored one and thus will require communicating with us to get access to information you don’t have. We have links all over our website that assist with accessing our communication channels, including this forum. We also tend to respond in a much more reasonable amount of time to support questions than commercially funded Linux distributions do, and we solve problems as a team. I think it is important to understand what everyone’s expectations are going forward so that time is not wasted and people do not become needlessly frustrated. This paragraph clearly states our expectations of ourselves and what you can expect from us.

This will be the part where you explain what your expectations are of OMLx and the community.

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Right. 3 times now I’ve been told I can’t be bothered to explain. I don’t know what more you want from me. I’ve ran everything I’ve been told to run and posted the output. I couldn’t post an image of my wine error to begin with as we’ve established through no fault of my own. Evidently I’m not a linux expert. I’m just following instructions so I have no idea what I’m comparing to. I haven’t got all day to mess around with broken software, that’s what I’m trying to get away from so rather than make any sort of comparison. I think I’ll go and use another distro. Thanks.


@011982 One more time please, can you post the output of dnf repolist

We need to see if we got that fixed before we can work on the games issue.

Might I recommend, this one?

Discover installs i686 repos #3080

Edit: For new users reading this thread see this.

You had multiple people trying to help you out. We upped your trust level so you could upload images, but I don’t see where you did that. You want the game issue fixed but the repo problem MUST be fixed first. It is what it is.

For people that actually want this fixed, don’t install repo software from Discover. The only safe distro to do that on is KDE Neon. KDE themselves do not view Discover as an updater, but a competitive product to other OS stores. Basically, a front end to self contained, and user level installers. Repository software is applied system wide.

The best course of action to resolve this would have been to remove Steam that was installed by Discover as evidenced from the lack of the non-free repo being present here:

[f0r3v3r50f7@openmandriva-x8664 ~]$ dnf repolist
repo id                          repo name
rolling-i686                     OpenMandriva Rolling - i686
rolling-x86_64                   OpenMandriva Rolling - x86_64

The rest of what is pointed out here fixes the repo issue:

Then it is a matter of:

sudo dnf in steam --refresh --allowerasing

This was not enough information to know all of the system specs, but doing this:

lsmod | grep radeon

Would have shown if the correct driver with 3D support was installed if it output things with radeon in them and nothing if it wasn’t. This user may never return to get any of this information but at least someone else can learn from this.


I don’t think he could possibly have the right drivers installed until he got the repo issue addressed.

But I could be wrong, again. :rofl:

AMD drivers are open source. No install is needed. There is the odd older card that tries to use the newer driver and doesn’t work with 3D apps and you have to install the older one.

One option could be to try the extended edition iso, which has proton onboard by default.
But it’s cooker, and I doubt that this user is knowledged enough to afford the challenge.

Probably not.

For the record for other users the OP (Original Poster) in this thread was getting good solid advice from people here, including some who are gamers themselves. The original problem was probably solvable and we like to help solving such problems because we all learn as well. But users have to help us help you.

A good starting point is realizing the OpenMandriva Linux is different from any other Linux distro. So approaching from trying to understand why we do things as we do may be a better approach rather than assuming something is broken because it works differently in distro Z.


After reading the thread I have to ask some questions.

  1. Did you use the OM Welcome App to install Steam? If you did, you have all the 32 bit libraries and Proton installs through Steam’s interface.
  2. I run 32 bit games through my Steam app fine, I have some old games installed like Locomotion which is 32 bit game/app. It runs absolutely fine just installing Steam through the Welcome App, there was no need to install additional libraries.
  3. As others here have noted, it sounds like you’ve gotten your system in a bad state. You have conflicting repos enabled and have to address that. i would suggest, starting over from scratch - reinstall OMLx, and make sure to only enable repos through the OM Welcome App and install Steam through the app helper as well.

New users come here and they don’t understand that OpenMandriva is unique. It is not like any other distribution. It must be approached with that in mind. For ROME users who have never run a rolling release, this is doubly important.

The OM Welcome app is critical to removing mistakes that the new user can make. Do things through the app and they just work. Get outside of that box and you can get into trouble quickly.

I really thought we could have helped him. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, you can lead a horse to the fountain but you cannot force him to drink :woman_shrugging:


@bero removed the i686 repos from /etc/yum.repos.d in Cooker. That change should be in next major upgrade for ROME(rolling repositories) and for Rock/6.0. This effectively removes these from dnfdragora and Discover which should remove this confusion.

Again the 32-bit library packages are within the aarch64, x86_64, and znver1 repositories.

Edit: This is what is in Cooker now:

$ ls /etc/yum.repos.d
openmandriva-cooker-x86_64.repo         openmandriva-release-x86_64.repo         openmandriva-rock-x86_64.repo         openmandriva-rolling-x86_64.repo
openmandriva-cooker-x86_64-source.repo  openmandriva-release-x86_64-source.repo  openmandriva-rock-x86_64-source.repo  openmandriva-rolling-x86_64-source.repo

I’m sorry for raising this again, but why not remove discover and dnfdragora from distro if it can screw your installation by normal using? Thanks

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This is a reasonable question and I have wondered the same. Maybe it’s a huge challenge to remove those programs from KDE?

Apparently, I was mistaken and misspoke.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Will dnfdrake replace dnfdragora