Is it short for Linux or is it a non-English term? The official naming policy is quite insistent that the distro’s name is “OpenMandriva Lx” but it doesn’t explain why.
Looking at wiki my money is on linux to differentiate it a little more than just adding “Open” to the name.
Could be wrong though, pehaps one of the devs has a cat named Lx
This version was the first release of OpenMandriva Lx, and was the [fork] of [Mandriva Linux] 2011.0, which was itself an amalgamation of [ROSA Linux] and [Mandriva Linux].
OpenMandriva is the name of the Association
OpenMandriva Lx is the name of the product (as of today the only product is the distribution)
“Lx” (it may be read as ‘Linux’ word shortened, but not just that - what about Luxury? ) has been decided on the purpose if we ever wanted to host any other non-linux project
Finally, people not well aware of the OpenMandriva history or some fanboyz may feel themselves more happy to believe that’s a fork of whatever; the plain truth is that Mandriva S.A. granted the license to OpenMandriva Association with a formal act
OpenMandriva TM licence EN | OpenMandriva wiki
To OpenMandriva only and to nobody else (to our knowledge).
As for being a ‘fork’ of ROSA, despite some websites keep sharing this misleading information (cf. distrowatch, who have been more than once asked to edit the infobox with no success at all) it has actually rather been a joint cooperation and code sharing with ROSA developers at the very beginning. We still have friendly contacts with some ROSA devs, also after going each one on its way.
And there I was thinking it was a French acronym or abbreviation applied to non-profit organisations.
Wiki with false info again
Thank you, thank you for this! I was also wondering what Lx meant.